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Here is the 2019 end of year seminary assessment my kids received yesterday. Would love to hear your thoughts on the questions, the probable answers, and the doctrine taught.  Don't forget the last 4 questions pertaining to the Explain Doctrine section.  


Read instructions before you start the test:

Exam code: 8

If you have difficulty taking the learning assessment in the traditional way, please talk with your teacher to figure out the best way to help you succeed.

Use a no. 2 or HB pencil. Indicate your response by completely filling in the bubble on your answer sheet.

Section name: Multiple Choice

  1.  Who will receive a place in a kingdom of glory? (1 mark)

a) Every individual born into mortality

b) All of God's children except the sons of perdition

c) Only individuals who are worthy of exaltation

  2. Which of the following is a specific responsibility mentioned in the oath and covenant of the priesthood? (1 mar)

a) To magnify their callings

b) To pay a generous fast offering

c) To not be idle

  3. Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, in the Resurrection all individuals will receive ____ (1 mark)

a) at least a terrestrial glory

b) celestial glory

c) glory according to the law they obeyed

  4. Which of the following blessings does God offer to those who keep the Word of Wisdom? (1 mark)

a) They will not be burned at the Second Coming.

b) Their bodies will be protected from all illness.

c) They will receive wisdom and great treasures of knowledge.

  5. To be endowed in the temple means to receive ____ (1 mark)

a) a guarantee of eternal life

b) spiritual power and knowledge

c) unique physical gifts from the Lord

  6. What does the existence of the precious truths in the Pearl of Great Pric teach us about the Prophet Joseph Smith? (1 mark)

a) He no longer needed the power of God to help him translate.

b) He was a prophet, seer, and revelator.

c) He is the only prophet of this dispensation that can receive new scripture.

  7. As watchmen on the tower, modern prophets have a responsibility to ____ (1 mark)

a) warn us of coming dangers

b) stop Satan from tempting members of the Church

c) change truth to fit modern times

  8. What is a bishop's or branch president's main responsibility when a teenager confesses sin to him? (1 mark)

a) To prevent the person from being part of the Church

b) To help the person receive forgiveness of the sins and regain peace of mind

c) To inflict severe consequences and punishments from sinning

  9. Who visited the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the Kirtland Temple to restore priesthood keys? (1 mark)

a) Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Malachi

b) Moses, Elias, and Elijah

c) Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

  10. According to the Doctrine and Covenants, what are tithing funds used for? (1 mark)

a) They are the main fund the Church uses to support the poor and the needy.

b) They are used to build temples and to accomplish the work of the Lord.

c) They are used to pay ward and branch members for serving in the Church.

  11. While the Prophet Joseph Smith was falsely imprisoned in Liberty Jail, the Lord taught him that adversity and affliction

(1 mark)

a) will not occur if we trust in God

b) are always a consequence of our poor choices

c) can give us experience and be for our good

  12. Which of the following is a true statement about Relief Society? (1 mark)

a) It was divinely organized to assist in the work of salvation.

b) It was established during the trek west to help Saints who were suffering.

c) It did not exist during the lifetime of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

  13. A man and a woman will receive eternal life and glory if _____ (1 mark)

a) they love each other more than they love themselves

b) they keep the new and everlasting covenant of marriage they made in the temple

c) they are married in the temple

  14. Why do our ancestors who die without having a knowledge of the gospel need us to perform ordinances for them in the temple?

a) Without these ordinances, our ancestors cannot progress toward eternal life. (1 mark)

b) Without these ordinances, our ancestors cannot be saved in any kingdom of glory.

c} Without these ordinances, our ancestors will not be resurrected.

  15. Marriage between one man and one woman is the Lord's standing law. Wen is the only time plural marriage is justified?

a) Wen there are more women than men in the Church (1 mark)

b) Whenever local laws and traditions allow members to practice it without breaking the law

c) When the Lord authorizes it through the priesthood keys given to the President of the Church

  16. When the President of the Church dies, which quorum becomes the presiding quorum of the Church? (1 mark)

a) The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

b) The Quorum of the First Presidency

c) The Presiding Bishopric

  17. Which of the following shows the correct chronological order (first to last) of places the Saints were told to gather to? (1 mark}

a) A stake in their homeland; Nauvoo, Illinois; Winter Quarters, Nebraska; Salt Lake City, Utah

b) Nauvoo, Illinois; Winter Quarters, Nebraska; Salt Lake City, Utah; a stake in their homeland

c) Winter Quarters, Nebraska; Nauvoo, Illinois; Salt Lake City, Utah; a stake in their homeland

  18. After the Savior visited the spirit world, what did righteous spirits there begin to do?

a} They were all resurrected and began entering the highest kingdom of glory.

b) They began performing ordinances for those who had not received them.

c) They began teaching the gospel to those in spirit prison.

(1 mark)

  19. According to Official Declaration 2, the Lord revealed that all worthy male Church members may ___ _ (1 mark)

a) receive the ordinance of baptism

b) serve a mission at age 18

c) receive the priesthood and enjoy temple blessings

  20. What principle is emphasized in Doctrine and Covenants 121:36, 41-2? (1 mark)

a) Priesthood holders can draw upon the powers of heaven only if they live righteously.

b) lf we actively seek to learn through study and faith, our faith in Jesus Christ will increase.

c) If we obey the Lord, He will always keep His promises to bless us.

  21. Which of the following accurately describes Heavenly Father? (1 mark)

a) He is without feelings or emotions.

b) He is a personage of Spirit and can dwell in us.

c) He has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's.

  22. Which of the following is a requirement for receiving exaltation in the celestial kingdom? (1 mark)

a) Bearing testimony of the Savior is all that is needed.

b) Receiving a patriarchal blessing

c) Receiving and being valiant in the testimony of Jesus Christ

  23. Of the following groups, who will inherit the celestial kingdom? (1 mark)

a) All children who die before they reach the age of accountability

b) All members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

c) All individuals who have been baptized

  24. Which eternal truth corrects the following worldly philosophy: "God doesn't care how marriage is defined"? (1 mark)

a) Ever individual born into morality is a child of God, and God loves each of us.

b) Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God.

c) God changes truth to meet the circumstances and needs of His children.

  25. Which eternal truth corrects the following worldly philosophy: "It isn't as important for couples to have children today as it used to

a) Marriage between a man and a woman is the ideal setting for children to be born, reared, and nurtured.

b) God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between a man and a woman who are

lawfully wedded as husband and wife.

c) God's commandment fr husbands and wives to have children remains in force today.

  26. Which eternal truth corrects the following worldly philosophy: "As long as two individuals love each other, physical intimacy is

acceptable"? (1 mark)

a) Marriage between a man and a woman is the ideal setting for children to be born, reared, and nurtured.

b) Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God.

c) God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between a man and a woman who are

lawfully wedded as husband and wife.

  27. Which eternal truth corrects the following worldly philosophy: "As governments continue to redefine marriage, God's definition of

marriage will change to reflect the values of modern society"? (1 mark)

a) Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God.

b) God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between a man and a woman who are

lawfully wedded as husband and wife.

c) Changes in the civil law do not change the moral law that God has established.

  28. Which eternal truth corrects the following worldly philosophy: "The only purpose of marriage is for adults to find fulfillment and

happiness"? (1 mark)

a) Marriage between a man and a woman is the ideal setting for children to be born, reared, and nurtured.

b) Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God.

c) God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between a man and a woman who are

lawfully wedded as husband and wife.

Section name: Explain Doctrine _

Instructions: Write your answer on a piece of paper. Compare your response with the correct answer received from your teacher. After self-grading the explain-doctrine question, bubble in your answer sheet.

Self-grade your answer for each question:

a. Yes, I explained this in my response.

b. No, I left this out of my response.

  29. What is an example of a truth that was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith? Explain why the truth you chose can help you receive eternal life. (1 mark)

  30. What is an example of an ordinance that was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith? Explain why the ordinance you chose can help you receive eternal life. (1 mark)

  31. What is an example of priesthood authority that was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith? Explain why this authority of the priesthood can help you receive eternal life. (1 mark)

  32. Share your personal thoughts on the importance of the Prophet Joseph Smith. (1 mark)

Edited by blueglass

Yikes, please tell me that this is just a local thing and not a church wide official assessment?  Questions with correct and incorrect answers definitely doesn't teach our youth to be critical thinking individuals.  This is training a generation of McKonkie type binary thinkers.  I don't like that.  

23 minutes ago, blueglass said:

Which eternal truth corrects the following worldly philosophy: "The only purpose of marriage is for adults to find fulfillment and


So much for: “Men are that they might have joy” and “the plan of happiness”

Worldly indeed


I noticed a few misspellings, maybe the poster retyped the assessment? And it does look legitimate other than that. And it is pretty lame. 

18 minutes ago, Tacenda said:

I noticed a few misspellings, maybe the poster retyped the assessment? And it does look legitimate other than that. And it is pretty lame. 

It's legit and it's due Wednesday.  Some ocr errors, sorry!


1 hour ago, hope_for_things said:

Yikes, please tell me that this is just a local thing and not a church wide official assessment?  Questions with correct and incorrect answers definitely doesn't teach our youth to be critical thinking individuals.  This is training a generation of McKonkie type binary thinkers.  I don't like that.  

No it's a global assessment seminary test.

Here's the study guide.


1 hour ago, blueglass said:

It's legit and it's due Wednesday.  Some ocr errors, sorry!


No, thanks for going to all the trouble for putting this out there. 

Posted (edited)

As a mother of a seminary student, the assessments are “going through the motions" of a test. They do it, but you can retake, get help or take it home. I would prefer this over something actually meaningful because I am just happy if my kids go. They read their scriptures and show up...I don't want more required than that.

Edited by bsjkki
Posted (edited)

The assessment may help to pay attention to important language, imo, and avoid certain negative assumptions.  Given how some have described their understandings, I think making it clear to youth that the bishop isn't to hand out punishments if confessed to or that adversity is not always (or even mostly) a result of a lack of trust in God or poor choices is a good thing.

Otoh, the multiple questions on marriage make me wonder if this was particularly focused on this part of the year.

Edited by Calm
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Rain said:

"Which eternal truth corrects the following worldly philosophy: "The only purpose of marriage is for adults to find fulfillment and happiness"?


Key word in bold.

I think everything marriage entails can fit in that statement. A large part of the fulfillment and happiness I have in my marriage comes from taking care of my spouse, and raising my children. Is it different for you? 

If you think the statement excludes kids, then the church is truly clueless when it comes to “worldly” philosophy. 

Edited by SeekingUnderstanding
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Calm said:

If I measured marriage success based on "happiness", I think I would have to judge my own a failure.  There is a huge part of my relationship that lacks happiness (because of the hardships imposed on myself and even more my loved ones, especially the sufferings of my daughter due to health).  And honestly I don't feel particularly fulfilled when I am having to treat my adult daughter as a child, even when we get through tough situations.  There are things I do because they must be done...and I am okay with that, but if someone demands I be "fulfilled" by doing them, I have at times felt like punching them out.  I think if we focus on "happiness" and/or "fulfillment" as the prime benefit of marriage and family, we risk justifying walking away from difficult situations.

Is there a similar risk with the the plan of happiness, or the scripture that men are to have joy

There is wisdom in what you say, and I’m not sure what the answer is especially given the inherent unfairness and disparity in life. I don’t think anyone should feel trapped in a situation that is truly miserable. I also believe that some of life’s greatest fulfillment can come from doing really hard things. Seeking fleeting pleasure in the moment is a poor substitute for the lasting joy and fulfillment that comes from dedicating your life to something or someone you believe in. Even if it means many truly difficult moments along the way. 

Edited by SeekingUnderstanding
Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Rain said:

"Which eternal truth corrects the following worldly philosophy: "The only purpose of marriage is for adults to find fulfillment and happiness"?


Key word in bold.

Look as long as we're focusing on these bold words, we need to quote this worldly philosophy from Aristotle correctly, "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence"

Edited by blueglass
Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, SeekingUnderstanding said:

Is there a similar risk with the the plan of happiness, or the scripture that men are to have joy

There is wisdom in what you say, and I’m not sure what the answer is especially given the inherent unfairness and disparity in life. I don’t think anyone should feel trapped in a situation that is truly miserable. I also believe that some of life’s greatest fulfillment can come from doing really hard things. Seeking fleeting pleasure in the moment is a poor substitute for the lasting joy and fulfillment that comes from dedicating your life to something or someone you believe in. Even if it means many truly difficult moments along the way. 

“Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is:




holiness and

keeping all the commandments of God.” - Joseph Smith Jr.

At this point we need to ask the worldly philosopher Aristotle what he meant by "best and most perfect kinds of virtue"?

"the good for man is an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue, or if there are more kinds of virtue than one, in accordance with the best and most perfect kind.”


Edited by blueglass

As we go through D&C this year in Seminary the manual consistently advises to write key truths on the board, have the students copy them into their scripture journals, and have them write about their feelings about them.

They know that MANY kids get through seminary WITHOUT knowing core doctrines of the church.  This assessment is just the exclamation point on that focus of the teaching in the book. 


That said, both the first and second semesters assessments for the D&C this year have been the worst I have seen of the past 4 years.  I have reviewed the assessment with my class(es) and while the questions and answers are bad, the kids will do fine...and I RARELY utilize the manual!



17 hours ago, hope_for_things said:

Yikes, please tell me that this is just a local thing and not a church wide official assessment?  Questions with correct and incorrect answers definitely doesn't teach our youth to be critical thinking individuals.  This is training a generation of McKonkie type binary thinkers.  I don't like that.  

I think its a great assessment of what the students have learned (or how well the instructor taught). I hope it is Church wide.


I like the test and think it is a good assessment of knowledge.

I think it is adorable that some people thing critical thinking skills should be a key aspect of the seminary curriculum.

23 hours ago, Calm said:

The assessment may help to pay attention to important language, imo, and avoid certain negative assumptions.  Given how some have described their understandings, I think making it clear to youth that the bishop isn't to hand out punishments if confessed to or that adversity is not always (or even mostly) a result of a lack of trust in God or poor choices is a good thing.

Otoh, the multiple questions on marriage make me wonder if this was particularly focused on this part of the year.


The composition and sanctity of marriage has been a constant and repeated theme in the D&C Seminary teachings this year.

They apparently really want the kids to know what TCOJCOLDS believes in the matter.



1 hour ago, The Mean Farmer said:


The composition and sanctity of marriage has been a constant and repeated theme in the D&C Seminary teachings this year.

They apparently really want the kids to know what TCOJCOLDS believes in the matter.



Good to know, thank you.

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