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  1. I wonder how close this ChatGTP is: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DF4a4hood_F/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  2. Yes, I am too. Staying hopeful not hopeless.
  3. I was thinking about this today, but thought more on the lines that the church might save a lot of starving people the way the government agencies are being shut down and people being laid off in the hundreds or thousands, which may lead to many more being affected because the IRS is being shut down, so no tax refund. And the agencies that take care of starving children, or those relying on Medicare, Medicaid etc. It's one big rolling domino affect. I hope our democracy can stand this horrible collapse.
  4. Someone needs to grow a spine!!!!!
  5. I had a powerful spiritual moment when during the Christmas season my ward and stake invited a Baptist choir to join our wards/stake choirs for a Christmas concert. And the stake president even got up and told everyone that we would be fine to clap in the chapel, normally this isn't protocol. And he wanted to allow it to make it more welcoming to this Baptist choir. They were a well known choir, or still are as you probably know who I'm talking about. My mind currently drawing a blank, but I thought that was awesome. So first the leader of the Baptist choir I think, gave the opening prayer and during it, several in their choir would say amen out loud to what he was saying, which is probably normal. And then the choirs from the wards and the Baptist choir would take turns with different Christmas songs. And then "Go Tell It On The Mountain" came up and I watched as the stake president and bishops were up at the stand and standing and clapping and swaying and the audience did the same, and we never do that during our meetings. So here I was at the back of the cultural hall on the stage, because that was how full the building was, and it hit me big time, the spirit while singing to this song, everyone was singing along. At the end of the night when my family had a prayer before bed my youngest son was silly and during the prayer as someone else was giving it, my son would say "amen", we got a kick out of it afterwards. He wasn't disparaging at all, just doing what he saw was done during that prayer at the concert. He was old enough that he knew what he was doing.
  6. I hope that they include "Go Tell It On The Mountain" one day.
  7. I dated a Catholic guy in high school for a short time. And he gave me a necklace cross and when my mom saw it she sort of said, we don't wear crosses because if Jesus was shot with a gun would we wear a gun. She never told me not to wear it, but I couldn't wear it for fear others would judge me etc. Now I wouldn't mind wearing one. There's a certain stigma, which is too bad. But things are changing somewhat in the culture I think.
  8. Mind blowing, that the kids/hackers have access to everyone of our records in the US.
  9. This sounds hard to believe, but this president might not go away in four years. https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/20/business/elon-musk-wealth-government-help/index.html
  10. Call for Reference! I click on the links and it's nothing.
  11. I hope @smac97will watch this. Trump doesn't care about our country. He's one of the billionaires this video is talking about. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFYdexFpouB/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  12. Until @smac97shows the corruption of Biden/Harris, then he'll be talking smack. Here's a TikTok that should scare the socks off all of us. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFLu4iVSHiU/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link But at the end shows how we can combat what's happening. Here's another as well: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFg9Qi7pihx/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  13. Get all the rest you can, it's not paramount that I delete the photo, and I'm kinda liking my "Wednesday" avatar. So the cover photo is no biggy. There's reasons for my wanting to delete it, but I may just keep it. Long story.
  14. Blame me, I used this thread to post something and it brought it up from awhile back.
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