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  1. I was curious so I googled his real name (which he posted under after a ban). He’s quite active over on quora.
  2. So would you agree that church leaders harmed those they denied ordinances to?
  3. More responding to the overall tone of the post which was had “move along, no harm done, nothing to see here vibes” which I would guess you disagree with.
  4. Makes the idea that the ordinances actually offer any advantages in this life seem like nice fiction.
  5. What equals a yes and what equals a no? Because that’s where the bias is from my experience. I was taught frequently a testimony is found in the bearing of it (not a rational way to determine truth). I was told frequently that God answers our prayers in unusual ways which leaves the individual looking for any possible occurrence in the days and weeks that follow that could possibly be interpreted as an answer to prayer. A great way to get a testimony but a poor way to determine truth. I was never taught what a no answer to “is the Book of Mormon true” would look like. That wasn’t an option.
  6. There’s only so many Jeremy Bearimy’s that you can take.
  7. This is because most people in ordinary language deal with how people present themselves. So most people talking about sex are talking about gender in the academic sense. I have never once asked for a gamete sample to determine someone’s biological sex. Have you?
  8. Is no one else wondering / concerned about how they gained access to everyone’s location data for this study??
  9. No one makes you pay taxes. I mean sure you may lose your assets I guess, and go to jail if you lie, but that's a small thing really. I mean small at least compared to being burned alive for not paying, or being sent to hell for "eternal punishment"*. *Eternal here does not mean lasting forever. It means punishment that is severe and harsh enough that the Supreme Being of the universe saw it as a fit descriptor. **D&C 64:23 But yes, lets be worried about a forfeiture of assets.
  10. I wish I had more time to respond, so my apologies. I do wish to clarify this. Apologists state the church is damned if they do damned if they don’t. Apologists state critics are critical because of lack of transparency. Apologists state your church isn’t transparent because critics will criticize the church’s decisions. I’m saying, stop worrying about the critics. Do what is right. If a complete lack of financial transparency is God appointed. Own it. Say it’s the right thing to do and why. Don’t pretend it has anything to do with church critics. It’s speaking out of both sides of your mouth. “We can’t be transparent because of critics”. Also: “Nothing we do will please critics. They are criticizing me!” Just do what you think is right, hold your head up and forget the critics.
  11. Maybe we should start a Brigham Young quote thread where everyone can feel free to share all of his greatest hits...
  12. Hi Stargazer. Hope all is well across the pond. Let's say I grant you that God exists, and that His church is in fact the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? How deep in the weeds is he? Does Russell Nelson have daily chats with him? I guess from where I stand, the only model that makes sense to me is Uchtdorf's when he stated: If I were to accept your model, it would seem that every policy and practice that comes out of Salt Lake is as if directly from the word of God. This critic doesn't see it. In fact, critics are often taken to task for not allowing the brethren to be men who make mistakes? Does your model allow for mistakes to be made? It seems to me, if major mistakes can be made, the brethren's line to God is not as direct as you seem to make out. The apostle Paul said, for now we see through a glass darkly. Does Russel Nelson see more clearly than him? This is entirely backwards thinking. Transparency is good. You likely demand it of your government. You likely ask it of your spouse. You most likely expect it of each organization you donate to besides your church. Making decisions based on what critcs might do doesn't make sense to me. Critics are going to critic, amiright? So just do what is right. I personally think hagiography's are awful. Show me the real person. If I ever wrote a autobiography, I would for sure want it to cover my flaws as well as my strengths. I am who I am today because I fell down, stumbled, messed up and kept going. Covering up flaws and mistakes serves no one.
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