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  1. I live in NY. My home is Palmyra. My firm's main office in in Rochester which is on Lake Ontario. We have a large office in Buffalo. I do cross border tax work. I know a lot of immigration attorneys and have become good friends with one in Buffalo that works only with Canadians immigrating into the US. I have spoken numerous times at immigration attorney conferences on the tax issues for US citizens living in Canada and visa versa. I have friends in Canada. They are dismayed at the language from Trump and the fact the the GOP members of congress seem ok with it. My international tax practice is 90% made up with Australia, Canada and UK persons and businesses, or US persons or businesses operating in one of these nations. Canada is our friend. We do a TON of business with them. Buffalo is one of the busiest entry/exit points in the US for imports and exports. Canada is our most committed ally. They have sent troops to almost every war we have been in including Viet Nam and Korea. They are a proud people and they have good reason. The flippancy with which our president treats them and the sycophant people he seems to inspire like you is embarrassing and wrong. How about you treat them with the same respect we would want from them.
  2. Well it does seem that one of the main reasons the citizenship question was addressed in the 14thA was the children of black slaves. Was it intended to be used how it is used now? I am skeptical but I do not know. SCOTUS has upheld it in cases other than black Americans after the civil war. And times change and laws can change with them. Maybe it is time to reconsider this part of the 14thA?
  3. I am pretty much on board with that view. I think it is not in our interests to continue it but if it is to be changed the process for amending the constitution should be followed and the EO recently issued should be tossed out.
  4. This was the topic. Seems to cover LDS type things. Yes it is political but I don't think the thread should have been locked. Honest in Our Dealings: Civic Responsibility and Government Corruption
  5. Massive reports? You wanted these threads shut down?
  6. @Analyticsjust started a thread on.....that was immediately shut down. Yet this one remains open. Maybe he should post the OP from that thread here. I
  7. I suggest the letter. Let her know who you are and why you are reaching out. Tell her you would love to meet but respect her boundaries so could she let you know either way whether she wants contact or not.
  8. Great news! Glad to see things like this.
  9. Yet that does not stop them from continuing to use the term and make accusations without evidence, Even after their star witness confessed to lying about Biden. I am an equal opportunity applier of the rule of law. Said all along if Biden did something illegal and there is evidence then indict. Other wise stop lying about hi.
  10. I don't think this makes it an agency on the same level as the DOA, USAID, Dept of Defense, Dept of Interior etc. If so then Musk should be appointed and the confirmed by the senate. It still seems more like and advisory board.
  11. This all day long. The Tea Party/MAGA and Heritage foundation types made it all up to scare people up into a frenzy. And conservative religious people, as well as other heavy right leaning people gobble it up like they do so many other conspiracy theories and it has worked because well, here we are. And we may be headed to protesting and burning and riots. My wife went to a small protest today and the local library where Congresswomen Tenny's staff was meeting with constituents. Tenny is uber MAGA and all in for Trump's authoritarian power grab. It was peacful but who knows what will happen. If we move towards the fascism we seem to be headed for who know what will happen?
  12. You said this a few times. What impressed you?
  13. He inherited a boat load and he would have been richer had he simply invested it. He has a track record of bankruptcy and fraud and well, a lot more shady behavior. But he is an accomplished con man, one of the most successful in history and very successful branding himself. Had he not landed the sweet deal with NBC for his reality show he likely would have gone broke. And America certainly would not view him as some business whiz. His show was all smoke and mirrors, portraying himself as something he is not. NBC created a myth.
  14. Other than state you think they have low character you have not bothered to share why. I would be interested. Not for argument sake. Just curious. I find it rather odd you feel this way. I don't think Biden or Harris are perfect but they seem to be fairly decent humans and seem to love their country, though you think they don't, and have been committed to public service.
  15. Just an FYI, I put little credence into anything Turley says or writes. I find him no more truthful and totally part of the Fox News propaganda machine. In other words he is a hack. His disparagement of Jack Smith is shameful. Smith has a stellar reputation and a follow the law prosecutor and nary a negative thing was said about him until he was assigned as a special prosecutor. Turley's comment that we will never know if the 2020 election was honest and fair and that while the election may not have been stolen it was not for lack of the democrats trying. Utter nonsense an pablum. The 2020 election was as secure and fair as any other election and those in the know state it was the most secure in our history. I think it is good to avoid baseless speculation and conspiracy webs. Turley should do the same. And I take such claims that I am now staring to see about the 2024 election where some are arguing that due to voter suppression as well as around 4 million votes being tossed for one reason or another, that Harris actually won. These days the only was the GOP think elections are fair is if they win. It was amazing to see the transition of power and the poise and composure with which VP Harris certified the election, unlike Trump who is such a petulant narcissistic child he cannot man up and accept the fact he lost. Thus he tried to steal and election and incited a riot. But you failed to answer my question. DO YOU think the 2020 election was fairly won by Biden. Yes or no please no long diatribes please and no dumping all sorts of opinions and comments of other. Yes or no.
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