I have come to the point that I do not at all agree with the premise of opposition in all things. Christianity, as far as I know, with the exception of Mormonism, believes God intended for humans to live in happiness in paradise and there would have been no opposition. So this idea seems unique to Mormonism. Does one really need to suffer in order to understand joy and happiness? I don't think so. I know jumping off a five hundred foot cliff is going to hurt me. I don't need to experience it to know that. I don't need to have every disease known to man to understand not having that disease is a wonderful thing. I do think suffering can shape and mold us to be better people if we let it. But some suffering situations can break and destroy people. What purpose does cancer in a child serve? Or the abduction and rape of a five year old? If the answer is anything but none, it does not serve any purpose, then one should examine their moral compass. Personally, I think if there is a God that puts us through all the suffering we go through, and there is plenty monumental suffering, just so we have meaning in the joy of some next life that we really don't know exists, well that is a pretty monstrous being. I don't inflict suffering on my children so they experience joy. And I try to help them avoid suffering if I can.