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  1. You have a nose for people who are lying. Sure.... How so?
  2. Ya decided this after one view of one video? Ya might want to rethink this one after you know more about the whole story.
  3. Ballard really fits the bill don't you think?
  4. Why do you think he is not getting a fair hearing? And what are you specifically referring to? A fair hearing on podcasts and so on or in a court of law?
  5. I think that can be a healthy approach. For me it is just the evil land suffering exist. I think trying to do our part alleviate such things is a right path. Well it should not be.
  6. Well this topic is not what we would have some god do or not do. It really is about whether such a being exists. I think this topic is strong evidence that such a being does NOT exist. Rather than try to put the square peg in the round hole it seems more likely that there is no god. At least not the theistic god the Bible, Quarn, Book of Mormon and so on.
  7. Well that is the problem. All of this is just imagining. Even that this god exists.
  8. Interesting post and thanks for sharing. Also the suffering the just happens through disease and sickness and nature should also be considered. For me, I do not find the various theodicies compelling and at least currently feel this topic speaks loudly against there actually being a theistic type god.
  9. Nope. None. I never indicated that they were. So nothing is real apparently? I understand our reality is subjective unto ourselves. Still, it seems to me that we have as humans a relative understanding of physical and emotional experiences and words we all accept to describe things. When you see a doc for some sort of physical pain you describe it and rate it. The words have meaning and communicate something to the doctor. This is not some esoteric symbol. The human species seems unique in all species on the planet to be able to communicate and understand such things and is likely one of the reasons we have advanced far beyond the other species we share the planet with. Ok. Whatever you wish.
  10. This is a series of videos Dehlin is running with an LDS historian and about his book called Second Class Saints. It it quite interesting IMO.
  11. One cannot prove a negative proposition. Sure. If there is a God like the theistic religions of the world the being would have thoughts and ways above us mere mortals. I am not sure. I don't know. I find the evidence for such a being lacking. It seems to me the burden of proof is on those who make the claim of such a supernatural being. Based on my studies I an skeptical that Jesus claimed for himself what his followers later claimed for him. I don't know whether god exists or does not exist.
  12. I don't think it was in this case. But you disagree with my positions as is evidenced by your down vote.😏
  13. These are all interesting things to ponder. But it presupposes that there is a God. My take is the problem of evil and suffering is strong indications that there is not a god, or at least a theistic god. And while you talk above about humans not being able to understand the thinking and intelligence of a supernatural god being that proposal assumes there is a god and that you/we theologian etc have a lot of ideas about the god, what this god thinks, what this god does and so on. I have don't find the argument that God's ways and thoughts are above ours so suck it up. Same with the Job myth. After all was said and done, by God allowing Lucifer to harm Job, God just tells job to suck it up and not question God. As for judging God a monster, all we have is our morals to go on so sure. But the comment is really not judging some God being. It is more an argument that such a being does not exist.
  14. Yes. So? I did not specifically design suffering for them to experience opposition. Suffering simply exists in the world we live in. IMO, the problem of evil and suffering is the strongest argument against a theistic God. Appealing to other religions does not help you. So what if EVERY religion uses these principles? I would expect most religions try to answer the problem of evil and suffering. Whether the answers religion provides are good answers is really up for debate is it not? I am not clear on your point. Suffering is a symbol? Math is simply a law of the Universe. It is a poor comparison to the topic at hand.
  15. I have come to the point that I do not at all agree with the premise of opposition in all things. Christianity, as far as I know, with the exception of Mormonism, believes God intended for humans to live in happiness in paradise and there would have been no opposition. So this idea seems unique to Mormonism. Does one really need to suffer in order to understand joy and happiness? I don't think so. I know jumping off a five hundred foot cliff is going to hurt me. I don't need to experience it to know that. I don't need to have every disease known to man to understand not having that disease is a wonderful thing. I do think suffering can shape and mold us to be better people if we let it. But some suffering situations can break and destroy people. What purpose does cancer in a child serve? Or the abduction and rape of a five year old? If the answer is anything but none, it does not serve any purpose, then one should examine their moral compass. Personally, I think if there is a God that puts us through all the suffering we go through, and there is plenty monumental suffering, just so we have meaning in the joy of some next life that we really don't know exists, well that is a pretty monstrous being. I don't inflict suffering on my children so they experience joy. And I try to help them avoid suffering if I can.
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