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  • Birthday October 28

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  1. What do you think of the Catholic reasoning for why it is meant realistically (using the word they use here https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/jesus-no-seriously-guys# )
  2. And how did he calculate that? Because if he was off by one day, Adam and I share a birthday (month and day obviously)
  3. Ben Spackman’s talk is fascinating. Before the 1950, science is not dominant but the first presidency seek out help of two scientists for the statement on the Origin of Man; later these two are called as apostles along with another scientist/engineer. In 1911, they created a standing committee to work with a professor of geology at BYU who believes science and scripture will not conflict when properly understood. This professor believed in an old earth, evolution, death being around forever. They widely published a vetted talk given by Talmage, vetted heavily by the First Presidency and obviously based on this pro science POV. Published worldwide. OTOH, Joseph Fielding Smith who is trying to push his own inerrant scripture POV, science is irrelevant, can be understood best by a surface reading of scripture is getting ignored, rejected even. His talk opposing this view got published in the Utah Genealogical Society. He, however, is the Church Historian. And in the 1950s everything starts to get standardized. Joseph Fielding is on the committee for church manual. Science is dumped….scripture is errantly. Mark E. Petersen was called in the 40s and has a similar view. Also Bruce R. McConkie. So the first half of the century was much more progressive than the second though it started shifting back in late 1970s but really got going in 1990s. Now it is recognized overclaims were made.
  4. Again, if anyone is a descendent of Cain in this world today, we all are, so why rockstar?
  5. And if it was bad management on the farmer’s part that led to the mortgage issue? And they would continue to bad manage in the future (say insist on raising a crop that wasn’t profitable)? Or maybe they don’t want to pay the additional fees for taxes and property maintenance? Maybe they want to have the option of walking away soon, have no one to inherit the land and the price offered was generous.
  6. And yet it is just as easy and logical to interpret it like I did. Especially if you plan on having lots of children, surely you would want them to have a nice place to live and not have to struggle to eke out an existence.
  7. I wouldn’t call it secret. The research just says there is a surge of deaths that lasts up to 15 years. And then gives some examples to make it clear it is not a direct cause, such as loss of savings resulting in less access to health care later on. My guess is if you applied the same methodology to other disasters you would get something of the same thing dependent on the size of the initial impact.
  8. Born the 29th of October 4004….I get the year, but really the month and day?
  9. Dario is from the Netherlands, I bet he used Miami for Florida. He misunderstood my point because English isn’t his first language. We got it straightened out. “I am sure all these events cause ripple effects in other stats, but more people are dying and being impacted by air pollution, water pollution and malnutrition than these natural tragedies.” Which is why I made the point I had a problem with the article using long term consequences for hurricanes, up to 15 years afterwards in speaking about economic impact on health, etc as well as a century worth of deaths for its total while looking at other things in the short term.
  10. Yes, it did have that. Did you see the movie first? I think that would make a difference because the book was more adult oriented. I would not call it kid friendly, even with me reading it aloud.
  11. Yep, as long as it’s just one night it’s kind of fun. Two nights and I start making risqué comments that sound just normal to me according to my daughter as she apparently learn a few things a little early and three nights in a row, I start to whine nonstop if I have spent the time in bed because the bed gets to be annoying rather than comforting or throw a temper tantrum of my own if I am up and about because there is always some that can piss me off if I try hard enough….usually because I clean nonstop for those three days and then someone leaves something out and it’s a tragedy to me. I had a phone call wake me up this morning. Unlikely to happen tomorrow, so my daughter won’t be sniggering.
  12. So the ward protested because they wanted to keep the polygamous thing going? Or because the new bishop was part of it too?
  13. Great background, though I am wondering if he has experience in international health issues and humanitarian work.
  14. I don’t think informed consent of any real value is going to come from a teen. I think the ability to make such requires experience in making adult level decisions about one’s life and seeing consequences among many other things, like experiencing vulnerability and failure and success and pain and recovery and on and on. A teenager’s life is a prolonged experiment in trying new things in new ways, preferably with nothing irreversible happening in it, but of course life itself is irreversible until we get to the Atonement. I don’t see how it is possible for a teen to grok*** what a lifetime consequence means. I don’t think they can even come close. Parents and doctors may approach informed consent enough to act on it in my view. This does not mean the minor’s views should be ignored, but rather those views become one of the major parts of the decision. ***it’s the perfect word for what I mean. It would be best to read the book for the full context, but here is a very truncated version: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grok
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