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'Mormon Group' Plans "Mass Weekend Resignation" From Church


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About the comment of gays feeling like they are treated like they are not part of the human race, that is my opinion. Sorry about that.

Like I said before Helen Mar Kimball was encouraged quite strongly to be sealed to JS. Please read the last line in her poem!!!

The wives of Joseph Smith website misrepresents what Helen wrote by the way they edit, including leaving out essential information and changing the order of when she said something to make it appear like she was saying something she wasn't. Please read her own words without the editing to understand how she really felt. Years ago I went through and found every quote of Helen's they posted and did a point by point comparison....I can't recommend the website except as a way to come up with quotes to then do a search on to find the original writings.

If you care about what Helen experienced, you will not depend on that website to tell you how she felt, but allow her own words....all of them...to speak for herself.

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An interesting article in yesterday’s Trib caught my attention…The mass resignation of current members of the church. #1 I was surprised that this made national news, being picked up by all the wire services with the article being run in Chicago, LA, DC papers etc. and

#2 It caused me to wonder if this is just the tip of the iceberg and a sign of things to come for the church. I can’t image this sort of thing happening 10,15 or 20 years ago…it appears at least to me that the emperor has no clothes and no one is afraid to point it out to him. This was definatly an in your face demonstration intended to send a message. Former members are losing their fear of LDS leadership and of the church and taking back their own power.

While I admit that a 150 mass exit is of small consequence to a multi million membership church…it has to start somewhere and the accumulative effect WILL make a difference in the long run what with loss of tithing receipts, activity etc... I would be interested if anyone has an idea of how many are leaving the church annually?

I’m going to guess that this is only the beginning of things to come and moving forward I see this as the sort of thing that will not only become common place in the future but an on going concern for the church…as members come to the conclusion whether rightly or not that the church is not what it claims to be.


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An interesting article in yesterday’s Trib caught my attention…The mass resignation of current members of the church. #1 I was surprised that this made national news, being picked up by all the wires services with the article being run in Chicago, LA, DC papers etc. and

#2 It caused me to wonder if this is just the tip of the iceberg and a sign of things to come for the church. I can’t image this sort of thing happening 10,15 or 20 years ago…it appears at least to me that the emperor has no clothes and no one is afraid to point it out to him. Former members are losing their fear of LDS leadership and of the church and taking back their own power.

While I admit that a 150 mass exit is of small consequence to a multi million membership church…it has to start somewhere and the accumulative effect WILL make a difference in the long run what with loss of tithing receipts, activity etc... I would be interested if anyone has an idea of how many are leaving the church annually?

I’m going to guess that this is only the beginning of things to come and moving forward I see this as the sort of thing that will not only become common place in the future but an on going concern for the church…as members come to the conclusion whether rightly or not that the church is not what it claims to be.

There have been periods of apostasy before and probably again.

I don't know what you are canning or why you do it in a mine.

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Not a bird lover are you? ;) It's canary.


I think it will be like the protests around Temple Square, interesting a few times for the news to report, but eventually it won't be "news" any more and thus the motivation to protest for attention will fade and the protests as well.

Thanks...and I spell check everything too...AND I can't edit the post topic...argggg...if there is can someone fill me in as to how I edit cannery with canary...

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Thanks...and I spell check everything too...AND I can't edit the post topic...argggg

Spell check only gets words that are spelled incorrectly. You spelled cannery perfectly. It is just that you failed to let us know what it is you are canning. :search:

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I wonder how many people even know that taking your name off the roll is even a possibility? I would imagine that most just go inactive and leave it as is

My experience seems to be that most don't really want their names removed. Those that do get it done, The rest when given the choice choose to leave their membership intact.

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Thanks...and I spell check everything too...AND I can't edit the post topic...argggg...if there is can someone fill me in as to how I edit cannery with canary...

You have to ask the mods to edit titles. I just "report" myself if I make a title mistake.
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John Larsen, one of the organizers of the hike, showed up in another thread. Perhaps he will read this one and give us a body count of how many actually resigned and how many showed up to support, but did not resign themselves (either because they didn't want to resign or already had or were never LDS to begin with....)

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It is one thing to leave the Church, and another to make a public spectacle of leaving. The latter is clearly politically motivated and designed to reflect poorly on the Church--though I view it reflecting more poorly on those creating the spectacle than the Church.

It would be interesting to learn how many of the relatively few participants actually left the Church (spiritually and mentally, if not literally) some time before the event. In other words, I am wondering how much of the event is just for show.

To bad there isn't a Reuters or Trib reporter to follow up with these questions.

Thanks, -Wade Englund-

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An interesting article in yesterday’s Trib caught my attention…The mass resignation of current members of the church. #1 I was surprised that this made national news, being picked up by all the wire services with the article being run in Chicago, LA, DC papers etc. and

#2 It caused me to wonder if this is just the tip of the iceberg and a sign of things to come for the church. I can’t image this sort of thing happening 10,15 or 20 years ago…it appears at least to me that the emperor has no clothes and no one is afraid to point it out to him. This was definatly an in your face demonstration intended to send a message. Former members are losing their fear of LDS leadership and of the church and taking back their own power.

Why would they fear the leadership of the lds church. People have been resigning since the church began. No problem. They just wrote the letter and resigned. No security goons were harassing them. Now with internet news which appears and disappears within minutes, news needs to be invented and listed. This only shows that mormonism is now in the big leagues. By the way, within a six month period 50 thousand people resigned from the luthern church in finland.


This number climbed to 50 thousand. Such is life in the 21st century.

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There have been cases of Antis joining the Church just so they could quit and truthfully make the claim that they are ex-LDS.

I suspect that is what may have happened here.

I doubt there were that many, if any in that group, who did this, especially if the number actually resigning was only in the "several dozen" as referenced in the news article I linked to in the other thread.

There might have been some claiming to be LDS who weren't who "resigned", but considering what is required to become LDS, including some show of commitment to pay tithing, it seems way too much effort, especially since people can just claim to be LDS or rather exLDS without actually doing a thing.

The only ones I have ever seen claim they did this were Evangelicals trying to establish their credibility and they list when they got baptized, who was their bishop, what callings they had, etc. to 'document' their claim. No one would need that for this event.

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The wives of Joseph Smith website misrepresents what Helen wrote by the way they edit, including leaving out essential information and changing the order of when she said something to make it appear like she was saying something she wasn't. Please read her own words without the editing to understand how she really felt. Years ago I went through and found every quote of Helen's they posted and did a point by point comparison....I can't recommend the website except as a way to come up with quotes to then do a search on to find the original writings.

If you care about what Helen experienced, you will not depend on that website to tell you how she felt, but allow her own words....all of them...to speak for herself.

I'm on it. I'm currently reading what they have to say at FAIR about it, thank you.

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Also people were coming from out of state. I have no doubt it would be relatively easy to find 150 people willing to publicize their dissatisfaction just in Utah if they heard about it, let alone Colorado, Idaho, Arizona and Nevada. And if the number of actual resigners was around 50....not hard to imagine at all.

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There have been cases of Antis joining the Church just so they could quit and truthfully make the claim that they are ex-LDS.

Who? (This is kind of a CFR.)

I've been around a while and I have never seen, read, or heard of this happening.

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