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Everything posted by Duncan

  1. one thing i'd be interested to know is how this only came out years after the affair began? IIRC He started counselling this woman in the 20's or something. Also Elder Orson F. Whitney may have been cheating on his wife too, according to this guy
  2. Something that happened here with the temple is that originally they had planned it being built in one area. 5.5 years of the city councilor not wanting it in her area and things like that the church moved its location to another area. That city councilor's attitude was like 'you want to build a religious building that the city wont ever have to pay for or do anything with, it's all paid by the church plus it will attract people from other provinces and at least two US States, plus others from other places?' Let's build today! So, right now there is not one but two little strip malls built across the street from the temple, you can get donuts, KFC, alcohol, your dental needs etc.!
  3. Something happens in the church and it makes the rounds of podcasters and what is so different from one to the next?
  4. I think, here, burnout, or some people their heart is in the right place but they just aren't a good person to run a ward. I've had good people be a good Bishop, a bad person-three times became, a bad bishop and then a bad person become a decent-ish Bishop. Maybe once or twice a good person be a bad bishop. People assume that because someone is a High priest and he makes a decent living he had managerial skills, people skills etc that they would make a good Bishop but that isn't always the case. I think , for me, the best Bishops are the ones that work a job with people and not products. The worst of the worst, for me, was aa janitor, a pharmacist, a handyman0we think, and a baker. Really, these types of jobs work with products and you aren't really dealing with the public so much. The pharmacist, kind of but in his case not really.
  5. our stake the norm is most bishops quit before 5 years. I and another brother were thinking we can count on one hand how many men did 5 years as bishops. Our ward was created in Nov. 2021 and we are on our second Bishop already
  6. you mean like CWIC Media, Jacob Hansen and the other far right false prophets? I can't think of anyone "clamoring" more for "doctrinal changes" than those two people, they orchestrate letter writing campaigns for their followers to write the Brethren telling them to change this or that. Even Greg Matsen, CWIC media founder, said he has nothing better to do with his life so he criticizes the Church and has deluded people into following him. I hope they will be be cleared away or repent will be good too. Incase you weren't aware Jacob Hansen's wife doesn't wear her garments like, it's a great example of "fleshy, fallen desires"
  7. I'd be interested to know what Tyler Glenn thinks of all of this, I remember his moment pre-covid
  8. I almost guarantee you that outside of some members here in Canada, most people don't know who he is. People here know Shania Twain, Avril Lavigne, Drake, e Bieber etc. people like that-but not a runner up, years ago, on a US tv show.
  9. President M. Russell Ballard told a story either in conference or at a BYU devotional, I assume in the 1980's of when he once went to South America. When he was there he was at meeting in a stake conference or something and he noticed these brethren with white shirts but they were brown up to the middle of their chests. He thought it was odd and asked one of them and they said that they waded through a river, among other things, to hear him speak. He was profoundly touched to hear that. I have looked through his 80's BYU and conference talks and into the early 90's and come up with nothing. Does this story sound familiar?
  10. Our Stake FH Temple Leader is a woman!!!!!!! Our Bishop exhibits mysogynistic tendancies, so it would be nice to get someone who thinks better of women than he does
  11. It's interesting there is a letter from at the CHL "Lucius P. Parsons letter, Kirtland Mills Ohio to Pamelia Parsons, 1836 April 10" and they are non members, in it he claims that "They report that the Savior appeared personally with angels and endowed the elders within powers to work miracles" So, obviously we can't prove Christ appeared but we can show it was a very early belief, two weeks after in fact, that people were reporting the Savior appeared at the Solemn Assembly you may also be interested in this article https://byustudies.byu.edu/article/an-angel-or-rather-the-savior-at-the-kirtland-temple-dedication-the-vision-of-frederick-g-williams/
  12. I posted this on Facebook in 2019, not sure where I got it from but "Some rules for the Kirtland Temple, "6th— All persons are prohibited from cutting marking or marring the inside or outside of the house with a knife pencil or any other instrument whatever, under pain of such penalty as the law shall inflict—"7th— All children are prohibited from assembling in the house above or below or any part of it to play or for recreation at any time, and all parents guardians or masters shall be ameneable for all damage that shall accrue in consequence of their children— 8th— All persons whether believers or unbelievers shall be treated with due respect by the authority <authorities> of the Church—"
  13. He's hardly the first Apostle with a middle initial but chose not to use it. Past luminaries include Erastus [Fairbanks] Snow, Rudger [Judd] Clawson, the Prophet Joseph Smith's brother William, sometimes used a "B." Strangely enough Hugh B. Brown's middle name was "Brown"🤪
  14. as is Greg Matsen, Dennis Horne-he litters fairlds with his nonsense comments but to his credit he doesn't have a youtube channel like Greg
  15. and yet there is zero evidence that he did anything wrong, other than changing in a locker room. You may want to get over your jealousy for them
  16. Let's not forget that their was a Stake President in Utah, who worked for the Temple Dept. He was some kind of a Architect. He experienced gender dysphoria and then IIRC transitioned after he was released and then was exed. Also IIRC she was interviewed on mormon stories some years ago. I haven't heard anything about them since that interview though.
  17. Baptizing trans folks has been around since my mission in the late 90's and probably earlier than so I am not confused. What confuses me is how the host is in a leadership calling. He is doing the exact same thing, promulgating his point of view. does the church excommunicate anyone for apostasy? yes, and he told us he was in on a membership council, theoretically doing that or a possibility of that as an option I am confused why he doesn't share examples of conservatives doing the same thing he is fighting against. My son is trans and was bullied by his YM Pres and counselor, and then sometime later the YM Pres. became a Stake Pres. member and they saw that as a promotion and therefore their behaviour was justified by God and they were done and done on the Church and God. The revelation I got was don't worry, God will take care of him in the next life, as he will with 99.9% of everyone who has ever lived. he is against activism but its what he wants actually-at the 25:27 mark It sounds like he is sowing confusion, he wants us to share the video to make people confused? Major problem in the Church on confusion, 26 min. mark-how does he know? He only shared a few old examples from Utah He is pro Prophet but confused at the so called mixed messages from the Prophet, that is confusing to me. Fully supports the brethren but is confused "bringing awareness" ? 27 min. mark, but not activism...working with proper priesthood channels, you mean like have a podcast and sharing your POV? how is that working within priesthood channels? besides, his wife isn't wearing a garment top in their FB profile photo, should that be confusing to people? Maybe he should cleanse the inner vessel first?
  18. oh we have buckets and buckets of CFM! but nothing about PMG
  19. that could be, the elders said after I asked them before there is a 3 month wait, I gather they are printing more. I kick it old school, I like a physical copy😶‍🌫️
  20. Has anyone here seen a physical copy of the new Preach My Gospel? i asked the elders and they said it's on back order and they don't even have one although it's online or something for them. They didn't seem to know when it would come in. Does anyone know if a physical copy is available? I don't see it at the Distribution Centre or at Deseret Books
  21. Please the thread from Nov. "MormonStories in Financial Trouble"
  22. have yours? or others of your "Mormon Power family"? and this doesn't have anything to do with who the new PR director is anyways. Besides, I thought you were moving on
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