I didn’t hear anything offensive in what he said. That said I can see why some Mormons would be offended. The reason is because as a leader in the church he is obligated to promote faith and faithfulness. He resigned his position from the pulpit and cited (iirc) that he was asked to do something he didn’t feel was right but never said what it was. I think he was as respectful as he could be (kinda like being as honest as we know how to be lol) without waxing poetic in an angry rant like some of his tik tocks.
This hasn’t been discussed around my family but knowing them he is going straight to Mormon hell for this. They would be “shocked” and wouldn’t be impressed in the least with his measured candor. Even if he is telling the 100% truth, that isn’t an honorable thing in the least to do, their position would be that he should lie about his faithfulness and fake it till replaced.
It seems as if his stake president knew this was going to happen. I may be wrong but it seems that way to me. If so, the stake pres should have accepted his resignation on the spot and prohibited him from getting up there and saying anything till his issues were resolved. Letting him continue to be a bishop till he got to the pulpit to resign, the stake president displayed an astounding lack of discernment if that is even a real thing. Didn’t work in this case.