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  1. I agree. I figure since asking civilly and following the procedure wasn’t working so I guess I have not given them reason enough.
  2. I love this. im the angry PIMO everyone here can probably agree to hate. and yet in the process of getting my account deleted without any fanfare some Mormons can’t restrain themselves and have to come on and get one last dig in. What is best about that is the reader likely will forget the cute dig and just remembers that the other Mormons are f-ing a-holes too. Never Wrestle with a Pig. You Both Get Dirty and the Pig Likes It
  3. President Nelson authorized and approved of that practice.
  4. Nah the last thing I need help with is that stuff esp from people who think their best investment is to have 10% if their income skimmed off and handed to a hedge fund. a hedge fund supervised by and led by law breakers and liars
  5. Good. I just messaged nemesis so maybe he can get something done. Would seem he has the ability or influence to do so.
  6. so that is why there is a delete account function in the settings module of an account profile? So you can’t delete your account? Makes complete sense I have the discipline. I just don’t want the account anymore.
  7. That’s what I’m betting on. I’ve been trying to delete my account for a few days now. Is no wonder those two wing nuts were able to keep their nudes up for several days. Admins are asleep at the wheel. Prob watching porn lol. I’m gonna start posting some good stuff soon if they don’t wake up.
  8. Anyone know how to contact acct admins? I’m prob too stupid to figure it out, but can’t seem to find anyone for my technical issue. tia
  9. I didn’t hear anything offensive in what he said. That said I can see why some Mormons would be offended. The reason is because as a leader in the church he is obligated to promote faith and faithfulness. He resigned his position from the pulpit and cited (iirc) that he was asked to do something he didn’t feel was right but never said what it was. I think he was as respectful as he could be (kinda like being as honest as we know how to be lol) without waxing poetic in an angry rant like some of his tik tocks. This hasn’t been discussed around my family but knowing them he is going straight to Mormon hell for this. They would be “shocked” and wouldn’t be impressed in the least with his measured candor. Even if he is telling the 100% truth, that isn’t an honorable thing in the least to do, their position would be that he should lie about his faithfulness and fake it till replaced. It seems as if his stake president knew this was going to happen. I may be wrong but it seems that way to me. If so, the stake pres should have accepted his resignation on the spot and prohibited him from getting up there and saying anything till his issues were resolved. Letting him continue to be a bishop till he got to the pulpit to resign, the stake president displayed an astounding lack of discernment if that is even a real thing. Didn’t work in this case.
  10. I know the context in which he uses it. Many families also consider coming home early from a mission is losing one’s virtue. Virtue doesn’t only refer to the law of chastity. Much like people will claim virgin doesn’t really mean virgin when it comes to plural marriage. not going on a mission is looked at as disobeying the lord, and therefore not a virtuous act. It is not keeping the high standard picked out for you by others. look up virtue in the dictionary. It means many things. in my family… a non rm is pretty much the worse thing you can be. if lack of being an Eagle Scout is any indicator - not having your Eagle as a male back in the day was used as a prediction one will pretty much be a loser.
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