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Understanding Adam-God

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20 minutes ago, pogi said:

The only thing I'm asserting is that you have no "proof", as you insist that you have.  Still waiting...

No proof acceptable to you!



The Priesthood was first given to Adam; he obtained the First Presidency, and held the keys of it from generation to generation. He obtained it in the Creation, before the world was formed, as in Genesis 1:26, 27, 28. He had dominion given him over every living creature. He is Michael the Archangel, spoken of in the Scriptures. Then to Noah, who is Gabriel: he stands next in authority to Adam in the Priesthood; he was called of God to this office, and was the father of all living in this day, and to him was given the dominion. These men held keys first on earth, and then in heaven. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith  Section Four 1839-42, p.157



But I doubt you can figure out what it is saying - that Adam is a member of the First Presidency. What does that mean, Do you know?

Edited by co-eternal
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And these quotes show that Adam is Superior to Christ:



Daniel in his seventh chapter speaks of the Ancient of days; he means the oldest man, our Father Adam, Michael, he will call his children together and hold a council with them to prepare them for the coming of the Son of Man. He (Adam) is the father of the human family, and presides over the spirits of all men, and all that have had the keys must stand before him in this grand council. This may take place before some of us leave this stage of action. The Son of Man stands before him, and there is given him glory and dominion. Adam delivers up his stewardship to Christ, that which was delivered to him as holding the keys of the universe, but retains his standing as head of the human family. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith Section Four 1839-42, p.157

The spirit of man is not a created being;5 it existed from eternity, and will exist to eternity. Anything created cannot be eternal; and earth, water, etc., had their existence in an elementary state, from eternity. Our Savior speaks of children and says, Their angels always stand before my Father. The Father called all spirits before Him at the creation of man, and organized them. He (Adam) is the head, and was told to multiply. The keys were first given to him, and by him to others. He will have to give an account of his stewardship, and they to him. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith Section Four 1839-42, p.158

How have we come at the Priesthood in the last days? It came down, down, in regular succession. Peter, James, and John had it given to them and they gave it to others. Christ is the Great High Priest; Adam next. Paul speaks of the Church coming to an innumerable company of angels--to God the Judge of all the spirits of just men made perfect; to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant. (Hebrews 12:22-24.) Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith Section Four 1839-42, p.158

Commencing with Adam, who was the first man,1 who is spoken of in Daniel as being the "Ancient of Days," or in other words, the first and oldest of all, the great, grand progenitor of whom it is said in another place he is Michael, because he was the first and father of all, not only by progeny, but the first to hold the spiritual blessings, to whom was made known the plan of ordinances for the salvation of his posterity unto the end, and to whom Christ was first revealed, and through whom Christ has been revealed from henceforth. Adam holds the keys of the dispensation of the fullness of times; i.e., the dispensation of all the times have been and will be revealed through him from the beginning to Christ, and from Christ to the end of the dispensations that are to be revealed. "Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He that purposed in Himself; that in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him." (Ephesians 1:9-10.) Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith Section Four 1839-42, p.167

The angel that appeared to John on the Isle of Patmos was a translated or resurrected body [i.e., personage]. Jesus Christ went in body after His resurrection, to minister to resurrected bodies. There has been a chain of authority and power from Adam down to the present time. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith Section Four 1839-42, p.190




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1 hour ago, co-eternal said:

No proof acceptable to you!

I don't know of anyone but you who considers third hand accounts, 23 years after the fact, proof.  It is not admissible in court, and does not pass scholarly muster or hold up to scholarly scrutiny as "proof".   But to you it is "proof"?  Whatever!    Look, I have no qualms with you believing in Adam-God theory.  I have no problems with you sharing your testimony of it.   What I have a problem with is you coming in here and pretending like the rest of us must be idiots because the writing is clearly on the wall.  It simply is NOT there.  The writing of Joseph paint an entirely DIFFERENT picture. 

1 hour ago, co-eternal said:

But I doubt you can figure out what it is saying - that Adam is a member of the First Presidency. What does that mean, Do you know?

Why do you insist on being such an *** to everyone?  "Can't you read?", "damned presumptuous", "I doubt you can figure it out", etc.  Many like you have come before, making claims without admissible references, while being totally self-righteous about it...but they don't last long.  Your tone is simply unbearable.

What did mean?  Lets read it in context shall we...from your same source:



“How have we come at the Priesthood in the last days? It came down, down, in regular succession. Peter, James, and John had it given to them and they gave it to others. Christ is the Great High Priest; Adam next. Paul speaks of the Church coming to an innumerable company of angels—to God the Judge of all—the spirits of just men made perfect; to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant [see Hebrews 12:22–24].”4



Joseph clearly taught that Adam is not "superior" to Jesus Christ in authority.  The "keys of the First Presidency" means the same thing it does today:



“These angels are under the direction of Michael or Adam, who acts under the direction of the Lord.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 167–68.)

In view of what the Prophet said, we can ask the question: Who sent John the Baptist, Peter, James, John, Moroni, Elijah, Moses, and all the others to Joseph Smith? It was Adam. Who sent angels to minister in any age of the world? Who sent Moses and Elijah to the Mount of Transfiguration? It has to have been Adam, or someone acting under his direction. Under the direction of Jesus Christ, Adam holds all of the keys, and keys are the directing power. At the opening of every dispensation, Adam reveals for the Lord the gospel, or he sends someone to do it.
Of course, since there is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ, every dispensation is a gospel dispensation and has its authority from Christ. All of the prophets and all of the angels, Adam included, are servants of Jesus Christ. But Adam, as the mortal father of the human family, was the first of mankind to be given priesthood keys and hence presides over all dispensations.
From the Prophet Joseph, we learn, in fact, that Adam holds the keys of the First Presidency under the Lord:
“The Priesthood was first given to Adam; he obtained the First Presidency, and held the keys of it from generation to generation. He obtained it in the Creation, before the world was formed, as in Genesis 1:26, 27, 28. He had dominion given him over every living creature. … [Gen. 1:26–28]
“The keys have to be brought from heaven whenever the Gospel is sent. When they are revealed from heaven, it is by Adam’s authority. …
“This, then, is the nature of the Priesthood; every man holding the Presidency of his dispensation, and one man holding the Presidency of them all, even Adam; and Adam receiving his Presidency and authority from the Lord.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 157, 169.)





“This, then, is the nature of the Priesthood; every man holding the Presidency of his dispensation, and one man holding the Presidency of them all, even Adam; and Adam receiving his Presidency and authority from the Lord, but cannot receive a fullness until Christ shall present the Kingdom to the Father, which shall be at the end of the last dispensation.






Edited by pogi
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6 minutes ago, pogi said:

"Christ is the great High Priest; Adam next"

Did you miss that part?

And then next is Elohim, no didn't miss it at all. Did you miss the others that actually show the order?

"Lord" is a relative term. My Lord is Jesus Christ. His Lord is Adam. And Adam's Lord is Elohim. Not at all the same person every time.

And those quotes clearly show Christ subordinate to Adam.

I can only show you the quotes. But you have to provide the analysis and logic to understand them.

Do you believe the scriptures, you can't possiblt. They are only one translators opinion of what another translators opinion of might have been originally written,  which occured far more than 23 years apart.

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24 minutes ago, pogi said:

"Christ is the great High Priest; Adam next"

Did you miss that part?

And you continue to ignore that Adam and Eve were immortal personages of flesh and bone when they entered the garden(official church doctrine) and Christ was a personage of spirit body (also official church doctrine). That clearly puts Adam superior to Christ, in case you missed that little bit of doctrine and logic.

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1 hour ago, co-eternal said:

Are you asserting that they lied?

There is no they.

Brigham is the only one to claim he got Adam God from Joseph.

Woodruff for example just records that Brigham made that claim. Woodruff did not say he heard it from Joseph.  He just records Brigham's statement.

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1 minute ago, JLHPROF said:

There is no they.

Brigham is the only one to claim he got Adam God from Joseph.

Woodruff for example just records that Brigham made that claim. Woodruff did not say he heard it from Joseph.  He just records Brigham's statement.

At least you admit that Wilford didn't lye about what Brigham said.

So what proof do you have that Brigham lied? Where is your reference on that?

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So who lied here, Brigham or the Deseret News? Or was it neither? I think that is what it was, neither lied.



"How much unbelief exists in the minds of the Latter-day Saints in regard to one particular doctrine which I revealed to them, and which God revleaed to me – namely that Adam is our father and God – I do not know, I do not inquire, I care nothing about it. Our Father Adam helped to make this earth, it was created expressly for him, and after it was made he and his companions came here. He brought one of his wives with him, and she was called Eve, because she was the first woman upon the earth. Our Father Adam is the man who stands at the gate and holds the keys of everlasting life and salvation to all his children who have or who ever will come upon the earth. I have been found fault with by the ministers of religion because I have said that they were ignorant. But I could not find any man on the earth who cold tell me this, although it is one of the simplest things in the world, until I met and talked with Joseph Smith."

- Prophet Brigham Young, Deseret News, v. 22, no. 308, June 8, 1873;


But if Brigham lied about it in the other quote and lied about it again, that would make Brigham a habitual liar, not at all the right stuff to be THE LORDS ANOINTED, is that what you are saying?

So where is the proof that you actually have a nose, I've never seen it.

Edited by co-eternal
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17 minutes ago, co-eternal said:

"Lord" is a relative term. My Lord is Jesus Christ. His Lord is Adam. And Adam's Lord is Elohim. Not at all the same person every time.

It is relative.  "The Lord" relative to Joseph Smith is Jesus Christ.  Since Joseph was the one speaking, then "the Lord" is in reference to Joseph's Lord - Jesus Christ.  Otherwise he would have said "his Lord", as in - "Adam receiving his Presidency and authority from his Lord..."  But no, he used "the Lord".  All in attendance would have understood that to mean Jesus Christ, especially since Joseph never publicly taught Adam-God theory.  

24 minutes ago, co-eternal said:

Do you believe the scriptures, you can't possibl[y]. They are only one translators opinion of what another translators opinion of might have been originally written,  which occured far more than 23 years apart.

Yep, I don't pretend like the scriptures are solid "proof" or even really good scholarly evidence for the claims therein.  I rely on the Spirit for that.  Any intellectually honest person would agree.

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8 minutes ago, co-eternal said:

So who lied here, Brigham or the Deseret News? Or was it neither? I think that is what it was, neither lied.

But if Brigham lied about it in the other quote and lied about it again, that would make Brigham a habitual liar, not at all the right stuff to be THE LORDS ANOINTED, is that what you are saying?

So where is the proof that you actually have a nose, I've never seen it.

Dude, we have been through this before!  It is a false dichotomy to insist that if Brigham is right then he was telling the truth, but if he was wrong, then he was lying.  Brigham didn't start teaching Adam-God for many years after Josephs death.  As you have misinterpreted Joseph's sayings, so too could Brigham have misinterpreted them.  Further more, his memory could have been hazy all those years later.  That is the nature of memory.  For example, you seem to have forgotten that we have already had this conversation. 


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9 minutes ago, pogi said:

It is relative.  "The Lord" relative to Joseph Smith is Jesus Christ.  Since Joseph was the one speaking, then "the Lord" is in reference to Joseph's Lord - Jesus Christ.  Otherwise he would have said "his Lord", as in - "Adam receiving his Presidency and authority from his Lord..."  But no, he used "the Lord".  All in attendance would have understood that to mean Jesus Christ, especially since Joseph never publicly taught Adam-God theory.  

Yep, I don't pretend like the scriptures are solid "proof" or even really good scholarly evidence for the claims therein.  I rely on the Spirit for that.  Any intellectually honest person would agree.

Yet Joseph was not talking of Joseph's Lord, he was talking of Adam's Lord.


So apply the same principle instead of kicking against the Lord's anointed! Have I not said that more than once?

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10 minutes ago, pogi said:

Dude, we have been through this before!  It is a false dichotomy to insist that if Brigham is right then he was telling the truth, but if he was wrong, then he was lying.  Brigham didn't start teaching Adam-God for many years after Josephs death.  As you have misinterpreted Joseph's sayings, so too could Brigham have misinterpreted them.  Further more, his memory could have been hazy all those years later.  That is the nature of memory.  For example, you seem to have forgotten that we have already had this conversation. 


He was still the Lords anointed, and he did say it more than once. And the other prophets heard and believed him.

It is your opinion that I have misinterpreted Josephs writings, I know many that think my interpretation is not an interpretation, it is truth.

and where is your proof of memory lose - CFR.

or the proof that the other prophets had that very same memory lose.


And what of Adam and Eve being immortal when they entered the Garden?

Edited by co-eternal
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22 minutes ago, co-eternal said:

and where is your proof of memory lose - CFR.

I gave it as one possible reason, it was not an assertion of fact.  The fact is, we don't know why Brigham claimed that Joseph taught it, there are several possible reasons.  Poor memory may simply be one of them.

22 minutes ago, co-eternal said:

He was still the Lords anointed, and he did say it more than once. And the other prophets heard and believed him.

It is your opinion that I have misinterpreted Josephs writings, I know many that think my interpretation is not an interpretation, it is truth.

and where is your proof of memory lose - CFR.

or the proof that the other prophets had that very same memory lose.

The Lord's anointed today, do not interpret it the same as you:



Spencer W. Kimball (President)

We hope that you who teach in the various organizations, whether on the campuses or in our chapels, will always teach the orthodox truth. We warn you against the dissemination of doctrines which are not according to the Scriptures and which are alleged to have been taught by some of the General Authorities of past generations. Such, for instance, is the Adam-God theory. We denounce that theory and hope that everyone will be cautioned against this and other kinds of false doctrine. ("Our Own Liahona," Ensign, November 1976, p.77)

Bruce R. McConkie (Quorum of the Twelve)

There are those who believe or say they believe that Adam is our father and our god, that he is the father of our spirits and our bodies, and that he is the one we worship.

The devil keeps this heresy alive as a means of obtaining converts to cultism. It is contrary to the whole plan of salvation set forth in the scriptures, and anyone who has read the Book of Moses, and anyone who has received the temple endowment, has no excuse whatever for being led astray by it. Those who are so ensnared reject the living prophet and close their ears to the apostles of their day. "We will follow those who went before," they say. And having so determined, they soon are ready to enter polygamous relationships that destroy their souls.

We worship the Father, in the name of the Son, by the power of the Holy Ghost; and Adam is their foremost servant, by whom the peopling of our planet was commenced. ("The Seven Deadly Heresies," Brigham Young University, 1 June 1980)
Men who wear the prophetic mantle are still men; they have their own views; and their understanding of gospel truths is dependent upon the study and inspiration that is theirs. Some prophets—I say it respectfully—know more and have greater inspiration than others. Thus, if Brigham Young, who was one of the greatest of the prophets, said something about Adam which is out of harmony with what is in the Book of Moses and in section 78, it is the scripture that prevails. This is one of the reasons we call our scriptures The Standard Works. They are the standard of judgment and the measuring rod against which all doctrines and views are weighed, and it does not make one particle of difference whose views are involved. The scriptures always take precedence. ("Finding Answers to Gospel Questions," Letter dated 1 July 1980. Published in Teaching Seminary Preservice Readings, Religion 370, 471, and 475 (2004))

Charles W. Penrose (First Presidency)

There still remains, I can tell by the letters I have alluded to, an idea among some of the people that Adam was and is the Almighty and Eternal God…..[T]he notion has taken hold of some of our brethren that Adam is the being that we should worship….aI am sorry that has not been rectified long ago, because plain answers have been given to brethren and sisters who write and desire to know about it, and yet it still lingers, and contentions arise in regard to it, and there should be no contentions among Latter-day Saints. (As quoted in Messages of the First Presidency, 5:25)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has never formulated or adopted any theory concerning the subject treated upon by President Young as to Adam. ("Our Father Adam," Improvement Era (September 1902), 873. reprinted in Charles W. Penrose, "Our Father Adam," Millennial Star 64 no. 50 (11 December 1902), 785–790)


For a good treatment on why Brigham might have claimed that Joseph taught Adam-god:


22 minutes ago, co-eternal said:

And what of Adam and Eve being immortal when they entered the Garden?

What of it?   They had not yet fallen.  This does not prove that he was God.  It proves that he was immortal and incapable of moral agency, happiness, misery, etc. ...doesn't sound like a God to me!  Adam would have gone to hell if Jesus Christ did not save him from the fall...who is superior to whom?

Edited by pogi
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1 hour ago, pogi said:

I gave it as one possible reason, it was not an assertion of fact.  The fact is, we don't know why Brigham claimed that Joseph taught it, there are several possible reasons.  Poor memory may simply be one of them.

What about because he did,, that is what the evidence says. That is what Brigham says.

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1 hour ago, pogi said:

What of it?   They had not yet fallen.  This does not prove that he was God.  It proves that he was immortal and incapable of moral agency, happiness, misery, etc. ...doesn't sound like a God to me!  Adam would have gone to hell if Jesus Christ did not save him from the fall...who is superior to whom?

But that is not what the doctrine says.

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5 hours ago, co-eternal said:

But that is not what the doctrine says.

Here’s your problem and very big mistake: If the Adam-God teachings, as you believe them, are indeed true, it’s quite obvious to anyone who knows how the Lord’s restored Church operates that the keys of authority to teach and promulgate this advanced gospel mystery have been withdrawn. And because the keys of authority to propagate the doctrine have been withdrawn, and the  leaders cannot affirm its truthfulness, even I f it is true, without violating the Lord’s commandment to be very cautious to not cast sacred pearls before swine, they have no choice but to disavow the Doctrine because affirming its truthfulness at this time would be destructive and do much more harm than good. So instead of following through on Alma’s warning to keep mysteries such as this one private, and only share them with others if they are truly worthy and spiritually mature enough to receive them in a faith-building manner, you engage in a contentious debate in which there is no hope of victory 

If the Lord has revealed to you that this currently disavowed doctrine is true, you should wisely treasure the knowledge of it up in your heart and be content to patiently wait until the day when the time is right to reaffirm it’s truthfulness to the Church membership at large (the Church leaders will let you know if and when that day arrives). Instead you’re engaging in a doctrinal battle royale you can never win because the current prophets, seers and revelators of the Church won’t affirm its truthfulness and, in fact, don’t even want members to engage in such a contentious debate in the first place. 

And now Alma began to expound these things unto him, saying: It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him. (Alma 12)

Edited by Bobbieaware
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2 hours ago, Bobbieaware said:

Here’s your problem and very big mistake: If the Adam-God teachings, as you believe them, are indeed true, it’s quite obvious to anyone who knows how the Lord’s restored Church operates that the keys of authority to teach and promulgate this advanced gospel mystery have been withdrawn. And because the keys of authority to propagate the doctrine have been withdrawn, and the  leaders cannot affirm its truthfulness, even I f it is true, without violating the Lord’s commandment to be very cautious to not cast sacred pearls before swine. They therefore have no choice but to disavow the teaching because affirming its truthfulness at this time would be destructive and do much more harm than good. So instead of following through on Alma’s warning to keep mysteries such as this one private, and only share them with others if they are truly worthy and spiritually mature enough to receive them in a faith-building manner, you engage in a contentious debate in which there is no hope of victory 

If the Lord has revealed to you that this currently disavowed doctrine is true, you should wisely treasure it up in your heart and be content to patiently waited until the day when the time is right to reaffirm it’s truthfulness to the Church membership at large (the Church leaders will let you know if and when that day arrives). Instead you’re engaging in a doctrinal battle royale you can never win because the current prophets, seers and revelators of the Church won’t affirm its truthfulness and, in fact, don’t even want members to try to engage in such a contentious debate in the first place. 

And now Alma began to expound these things unto him, saying: It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him. (Alma 12)

I don't have a problem. It must be your problem since you brought it up. And you have no authority or stewardship over me to be giving me any advice as to what is wise for me to treasure or with what I should be patient. It is none of your business to advise me. But you are right about the battle, those who will not see will not see. But I will respond to misrepresentations of what I have said and personal attacks. If those on this forum want me to stop posting then stop posting about me or what I have said.

And if it was a mistake to reveal it, it was not me that made the mistake. It was Joseph, Brigham, John, Wilford, ... that revealed it. It wasn't even me that raised the topic on this forum. So not my mistake - not even a mistake.

Mysteries are things that have not yet been reveled, this has been by the Lords anointed, whether that be Joseph or Brigham, they are both the Lord's Anointed. And the Lord NEVER WITHDREW THAT ANOINTING. They both sealed their testimony with their lives and their deaths.

But you are close to something, the body of the church rejected polygamy so there was an official declaration, not it's truthfulness, just it's practice. The body of the church also rejected this but there was no official declaration, there was no associated practice to curtail.  Individual GAs have made statements but no official declaration. The majority of the "Adam is God" doctrine is actually still official doctrine and is taught by CES and BYU. But it has backed away from stating Adam's identity as Christ's Father and our Spirit Father. However, any serious consideration of what the official doctrine  says, along with some understanding of scripture would leave little doubt on Adam's true Identity. Even the title "Michael the Archangel" leaves little doubt.

So, It is not my problem, it is yours. You deal with your problem how you chose. It is your business not mine.

Edited by co-eternal
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On 11/26/2017 at 9:17 PM, boblloyd91 said:

So I'm sure this has been addressed before but I was wondering how believing Latter Day Saints on this board who have studied some of the more controversial things Brigham Young has said (particularly regarding Adam) have been able to understand where the heck he was coming from.

Here is how I approach somethings:


“We warn you against the dissemination of doctrines which are not according to the Scriptures and which are alleged to have been taught by some of the General Authorities of past generations. Such, for instance, is the Adam-God theory. We denounce that theory and hope that everyone will be cautioned against this and other kinds of false doctrine.

—Spencer W. Kimball, "Our Own Liahona," Ensign (November 1976), 77.”


BTW, thanks fairmormon for putting quote up on a page about the issues mentioned

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17 hours ago, co-eternal said:

But that is not what the doctrine says.

That is not what your interpretation of the doctrine says anyway.  But that is according to what I read in scripture and what is taught by the church today.

14 hours ago, co-eternal said:

Mysteries are things that have not yet been reveled, this has been by the Lords anointed, whether that be Joseph or Brigham, they are both the Lord's Anointed. And the Lord NEVER WITHDREW THAT ANOINTING. They both sealed their testimony with their lives and their deaths.

Because some prophets taught it, doesn't make it official doctrine of the church.  There are prophets who have taught against it too.  So, why is one teaching more official than the other?  When there are differences in teachings, we have to turn to the Standard Works:


Men who wear the prophetic mantle are still men; they have their own views; and their understanding of gospel truths is dependent upon the study and inspiration that is theirs. Some prophets—I say it respectfully—know more and have greater inspiration than others. Thus, if Brigham Young, who was one of the greatest of the prophets, said something about Adam which is out of harmony with what is in the Book of Moses and in section 78, it is the scripture that prevails. This is one of the reasons we call our scriptures The Standard Works. They are the standard of judgment and the measuring rod against which all doctrines and views are weighed, and it does not make one particle of difference whose views are involved. The scriptures always take precedence. ("Finding Answers to Gospel Questions," Letter dated 1 July 1980. Published in Teaching Seminary Preservice Readings, Religion 370, 471, and 475 (2004))

Ok so lets look to the standard works.  Every chapter in the Book of Moses entirely dispels the myth that Jesus Christ is the "Only Begotten" of Adam, rather Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten of Adam's God - The Father.   Chapter 5 is especially clear:


Moses 5:

50 But God hath made known unto our fathers that all men must repent.

51 And he called upon our father Adam by his own voice, saying: I am God; I made the world, and men before they were in the flesh.

52 And he also said unto him: If thou wilt turn unto me, and hearken unto my voice, and believe, and repent of all thy transgressions, and be baptized, even in water, in the name of mine Only Begotten Son, who is full of grace and truth, which is Jesus Christ, the only name which shall be given under heaven, whereby salvation shall come unto the children of men, ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, asking all things in his name, and whatsoever ye shall ask, it shall be given you.

53 And our father Adam spake unto the Lord, and said: Why is it that men must repent and be baptized in water? And the Lord said unto Adam: Behold I have forgiven thee thy transgression in the Garden of Eden.

54 Hence came the saying abroad among the people, that the Son of God hath atoned for original guilt, wherein the sins of the parents cannot be answered upon the heads of the children, for they are whole from the foundation of the world.

55 And the Lord spake unto Adam, saying: Inasmuch as thy children are conceived in sin, even so when they begin to grow up, sin conceiveth in their hearts, and they taste the bitter, that they may know to prize the good.

56 And it is given unto them to know good from evil; wherefore they are agents unto themselves, and I have given unto you another law and commandment.

57 Wherefore teach it unto your children, that all men, everywhere, must repent, or they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God, for no unclean thing can dwell there, or dwell in his presence; for, in the language of Adam, Man of Holiness is his name, and the name of his Only Begotten is the Son of Man, even Jesus Christ, a righteous Judge, who shall come in the meridian of time.

58 Therefore I give unto you a commandment, to teach these things freely unto your children, saying:

59 That by reason of transgression cometh the fall, which fall bringeth death, and inasmuch as ye were born into the world by water, and blood, and the spirit, which I have made, and so became of dust a living soul, even so ye must be born again into the kingdom of heaven, of water, and of the Spirit, and be cleansed by blood, even the blood of mine Only Begotten; that ye might be sanctified from all sin, and enjoy the words of eternal life in this world, and eternal life in the world to come, even immortal glory;

60 For by the water ye keep the commandment; by the Spirit ye are justified, and by the blood ye are sanctified;

61 Therefore it is given to abide in you; the record of heaven; the Comforter; the peaceable things of immortal glory; the truth of all things; that which quickeneth all things, which maketh alive all things; that which knoweth all things, and hath all power according to wisdom, mercy, truth, justice, and judgment.

62 And now, behold, I say unto you: This is the plan of salvation unto all men, through the blood of mine Only Begotten, who shall come in the meridian of time.

63 And behold, all things have their likeness, and all things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual; things which are in the heavens above, and things which are on the earth, and things which are in the earth, and things which are under the earth, both above and beneath: all things bear record of me.

64 And it came to pass, when the Lord had spoken with Adam, our father, that Adam cried unto the Lord, and he was caught away by the Spirit of the Lord, and was carried down into the water, and was laid under the water, and was brought forth out of the water.

65 And thus he was baptized, and the Spirit of God descended upon him, and thus he was born of the Spirit, and became quickened in the inner man.

66 And he heard a voice out of heaven, saying: Thou art baptized with fire, and with the Holy Ghost. This is the record of the Father, and the Son, from henceforth and forever;

67 And thou art after the order of him who was without beginning of days or end of years, from all eternity to all eternity.

68 Behold, thou art one in me, a son of God; and thus may all become my sons. Amen.

3 distinct beings mentioned here. 1) Adam 2) Adam's God - "the Father", and 3) Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten of Adam's God, God the Father.

Edited by pogi
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16 hours ago, co-eternal said:

The majority of the "Adam is God" doctrine is actually still official doctrine and is taught by CES and BYU.

CFR that it is taught as official doctrine.

If it is official doctrine, then you should have no problem teaching it from the pulpit...that Adam is the God we worship and pray to...and that Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of Adam...

Let me know how that goes!

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2 hours ago, pogi said:

CFR that it is taught as official doctrine.

If it is official doctrine, then you should have no problem teaching it from the pulpit...that Adam is the God we worship and pray to...and that Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of Adam...

Let me know how that goes!

already have

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2 hours ago, pogi said:

That is not what your interpretation of the doctrine says anyway.  But that is according to what I read in scripture and what is taught by the church today.

Because some prophets taught it, doesn't make it official doctrine of the church.  There are prophets who have taught against it too.  So, why is one teaching more official than the other?  When there are differences in teachings, we have to turn to the Standard Works:

Ok so lets look to the standard works.  Every chapter in the Book of Moses entirely dispels the myth that Jesus Christ is the "Only Begotten" of Adam, rather Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten of Adam's God - The Father.   Chapter 5 is especially clear:

3 distinct beings mentioned here. 1) Adam 2) Adam's God - "the Father", and 3) Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten of Adam's God, God the Father.

your interpretation vs Brigham's

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