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probably another utah-myth.

The "myth" being discussed apparently was created by the author as part of his plot. As far as I can tell, Steve Berry has nothing to do with Utah or LDS. Until someone reads the book and reports what the myth actually is, there is no way to know if the source was anything beyond the author's fertile imagination.

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The "myth" being discussed apparently was created by the author as part of his plot. As far as I can tell, Steve Berry has nothing to do with Utah or LDS. Until someone reads the book and reports what the myth actually is, there is no way to know if the source was anything beyond the author's fertile imagination.

My wife checked it out from the library. I leafed through it last night.


In places the author seems quite fair in his treatment of Mormons. In one place a character cites the Christian belief that Jesus died and rose from the grave after three days and implies hypocrisy on the part of Christians who see the Mormon faith as weird.


The plot seems to deal with modern-day Danites. Not a good thing, and a laughable notion that there would be a modern-day Danites counterparts, but a sensationalistic topic that, I suppose, excites the imagination of non-Mormon authors.


Shades of Arthur Conan Doyle and A Study in Scarlet.


I don't know what the "myth" is, but then I didn't spend much time with the book. If I get time tonight, I'll try to identify it.

Edited by Scott Lloyd
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