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Everything posted by MustardSeed

  1. So great to know! I can’t stand being a victim of tradition. Since I’ve never bought a ticket and never gambled, it’s not an issue for me but I know now when the discussion comes up at dinner parties that I will not be touting the idea that church does not accept dirty money.
  2. Wow. Now that would be something if it’s true.
  3. I think everything except for fentanyl can be done in moderation and it do no significant harm. I mean, obviously robbing bank and meth and betraying your spouse, etc. would be problems. Just getting ahead of the arguing lol.
  4. It doesn’t bother me if you want to gamble. We’ve been advised against it but you have your own mind and life. Regular gamblers seem pretty miserable to me so be careful. and I’d suggest you pocket 100% of your dirty money. God will not be mocked. nice of you to want to donate land but if a country won’t allow church ownership they probably wouldn’t allow that transfer to occur anyways.
  5. Thank you for validating my experience
  6. It’s often felt to me like people feel validated in their beliefs when somebody famous overlaps in their beliefs. As if famous people are the authority.
  7. Unfortunately I’m coming up blank on a story. All I have ever done at church is teach. Then again there’s not a ton else for women to do anyway so I guess that’s nothing revelatory. I remember the first time I was asked to teach in my current area. I was 32 and assigned as Gospel doctrine teacher. The bishop called me in and told me he was assigning this to me, and warning me not to get a big head about it. We had just moved inand he didn’t know me well. Obviously there was history and probably a very interesting story there. Having taught seminary, young women, primary, relief Society, Sunday school, the whole gambit I can say confidently that I have been told many times in regular old training sessions to only use LDS resources. I’m surprised that this isn’t more common? I wonder if it was just a thing in my stake for the past 20 years. Incidentally, there’s a long period of time where in my my stake, musical, had to be hymns only. None of this Mormon pop stuff. I’ve been purist in both categories, so I tend to notice anything on the outside of those limitations I’ve been instructed on. I do of course recognize that there is great material outside of LDS materials.😅
  8. Yes why do they do this? As a teacher I’ve been instructed many times to restrict my resources to sanctioned materials.
  9. On Sunday in our ward, the high councilman speaking, pulled out his CS Lewis book and read from it during his talk. Of course, I understand that has great teaching points. I couldn’t help but think however any other non-sanctioned book was read from the pulpit there might be a problem. Where when and why did Lewis become so worthy in our sacrament meetings, and our Sunday lessons?
  10. Important- I’ve never been asked that! Would be nice. I always suggest to the coordinator that they assign someone to me who never follows through. I’m good at getting connections going and it improves the stats. Plus I can be in control then- I don’t like the enthusiastic very attentive minister for me.
  11. I’m down with this 💯. I minister all the time quietly. I might do it even more often if I was in charge of it myself and had to report. But the assigned friendship is so extremely difficult. I text on the regular to my four and it works but I actually minister to others all the time.
  12. Brilliant. Makes a world of sense. in todays world, unnatural relationships are so awkward. And if I need help with something, I’m much more likely to turn to a neighbor than call my minister who lives 15 miles away.
  13. We will agree to disagree. I trust if Jesus did something to hurt me he would own it out loud to me. Irony here is He will never do anything to hurt me. The church isn’t Jesus. The church is flawed.
  14. That’s not how forgiveness works between humans. Stop talking about my boyfriend! I broke up with him. Let’s talk about our future. Let it go, husband. Never works.
  15. These two don’t jive. Also, we don’t have enough info. The fact is he broke the rules of mission, he’s gone. The allegation is he forced her to go further after kissing. In my hay day even back in the 80s, I’d kiss, say “no more”, and the boys/men stopped. Every time. No one said, “meh, you were kissing so I’m confused”.
  16. I honestly don’t fit in anywhere. True blues to doubts is a very large spectrum imo
  17. Yes yes we know you are far superior to the rest of us. We appreciate the little you bequeath us-we are better for it.
  18. Oh man. We also don’t fit the mould. My husband takes months to decide on things- I don’t have the patience to care enough so I’m a trigger puller. It doesn’t bother me that he takes time, I appreciate his care and exactness. He rarely makes a mistake.
  19. I highly highly doubt the church will make a statement. There is no way the church asked bozo the clown to write a book speaking for the church. This is all, of course just my opinion!
  20. I had taken the sacrament in my meeting, and it would be redundant to renew my covenants an hour later in the second sacrament meeting. I figured I’d only be taking it a second time to avoid judgement but I was exercising my maturity muscle, unsuccessfully. 😅
  21. Same. In fact, had I not read this thread I wouldn’t blink if somebody gave a talk on this today. I didn’t know that this wasn’t a thing for anybody? Isn’t that one of the basic criticisms people have for our church, the idea that we can become just like God?
  22. Oh gosh, that’s a little embarrassing to me. 😕 then again, I am typically easily embarrassed
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