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  1. I know how you feel. Our family has a big rip right down the middle. I could surely use the help of the other half right now. My wife got sick from hanging out in the hospitals for 12 days with my 91-year-old father. She's having a really rough recovery. I would be totally lost if this sickness takes her. My life is poop right now. Dad got out of Post Acute Care Wednesday afternoon and he has pooped 16 times since then. He's barely ambulatory. It's always a rush to get him to a portable commode or to his bathroom, then to get it all cleaned up. I hope he levels out soon. He has a catheter too. so it makes the wheel chair/walker runs interesting. I didn't get any sleep last night and I got about two and a half hours this morning. Good luck with your family, there is no chance of reconciliation with my family.
  2. Thank you for the kind words. Patty really feels like it's her fault because she didn't go to YouTube and figure out how to feed him properly. To be honest she was busy caring for my 91 year old father. He has been in the hospital for 12 days recovering from a bout with sepsis. It's almost more work taking care of Dad when he is at these facilities then when he is home . They moved him to a Post Acute facility and he hopefully will get released tomorrow. Thank you for all your prayers.
  3. Leo died today. I just don't get it he was taking formula. After watching some YouTube stuff I guess we were feeding him wrong. We laid him on his back like a human baby. Then he got constipated. Then we watched a video on how to clear that and Patty did it for him. Then we were waiting about an hour for him to rest to feed him and he just passed away. I don't know maybe that's why God didn't let us have human babies cuz we're crappy parents.
  4. Nice video! The only time I get to see stars is when we are out in the sailboat. It's always overcast in Eureka and there's too much light pollution in Redlands and Ensenada. I have to tell you though when you're a thousand miles offshore it is awesome to look up at night. When I get south of the Equator I see new constellations that I don't know their names so I give them my own names. I know the Southern Cross. But this one constellation is 12 stars in a big giant Arc so I named them the 12 apostles. I feel lost when I can't see the constellation Orion. It's a rare thing but it happens to me in Idaho. I believe it's blocked by the mountains.
  5. Thanks for your prayers. The mom came and snatched one of the kittens and took it to wherever the other two are. The last one left is actually accepting the formula now. Thanks again.
  6. I need prayers for my wife Patti. She is caring for my 91 year old father and I'm up in Eureka working. One of the feral cats had kittens and she abandoned 2 on the front porch. Patti got formula and is trying to nurse them but they're not taking it. She doesn't need their deaths on her shoulders right now. My prayer is that the mother comes and takes them where she took the other two or that they start taking the formula.
  7. Yes. One of the most important revelations in the life of my family was a wide awake dream that I had while driving on Interstate 5 during heavy traffic. I have no idea how I kept from crashing the car. Of course I pulled over as soon as it dawned on me what was going on and it took a day to figure out exactly what to do about it. The results were excellent and saved my wife's life.
  8. Even when they give a proclamation half the people in the church do not believe it. As soon as the proclamation of the family came out there was dispute whether it was Revelation or just the words of the church leaders. Just because they didn't say "thus saith the Lord" I believe the church teaches that we're all supposed to be prophets Seers and revelators as regarding our own area of responsibility. Occasionally I see serious revelation for the well-being of my family. Those would not be possible without a serious relationship with Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.
  9. With our hearts and minds we must turn to Christ. Turn the other cheek, forgive those who sin against you, serve your fellow man. Blessed are at the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.
  10. Thanks for all the prayers all the cats made it out through the Heat it's now down in the '80s it looks like fall is on the way it's going to rain next week.
  11. We have a little teenager possum living by the cats up in this one tree. He comes down when they're done eating and cleans the house he doesn't seem to be a danger to the cats and so we're going to leave him alone maybe even put some food out by his tree. I know I was complaining about adult possums killing a couple of kittens but to be fair the cats got into a possum nest and killed a bunch of baby possums so I guess life's tough on the farm. PS we have chased off at quartet of good size raccoons.
  12. Topped out at 116 today.
  13. It's going to be 110 again today could you all pray that the heat doesn't kill my feral cats. We have a couple more days of this to go through. We have a couple of them there are 5 weeks old. They're the only ones left after possums killed a couple. The animal kingdom is really cruel. I'm pretty much over it and so is Patti. Thanks in advance.
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