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Service Missions: Looking For More Information


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I was on the church website and noticed a section about how to volunteer. They had Full Time missions, then they also had Service Missions. I was wondering if anybody knew what the time requirements would need to be for Service Missions? Do they have to be full time?


I was just going to say what TSS said... the Church publishes a bulletin, monthly if I'm not mistaken, listing all of the types of missions, the type, where they are, how long, the cost, etc. It's always posted on our ward bulletin board. Or, if you are near a temple, you may be able to serve a "service" mission associated with a visitors' center, the cafeteria, laundry, clothing etc. The bishop could advise you on that.

There's many opportunities to serve, either domestically or abroad. Good luck.

from the beach on a "beachy" cool, overcast morning that will clear by 11:00 a.m. and become another beautiful fall day...



Bulletins sent by the Church to local units address primarily full-time, away from home missions. There are some opportunities for seniors to live at home and be full time missionaries called by the President of the Church. They serve for at least 32 hours per week. Service missionaries are called by their stake president. They are not full-time missionaries. Outside of Utah and other areas where Church membership is concentrated, these missionaries typically serve in welfare capacities (storehouses, canneries), CES/Institue offices (administration or teaching), church farms, and physical facilities management. These missionaries live at home and continue to serve in ward or stake callings as appropriate.

If you are interested in a service mission, speak to your bishop.


It looks like there is a difference between Full time, Home Missions and Service Missions. Im actually looking at a service missionary position as a volunteer. The position is Photographer. Again, still looking into it, they emailed me a number to call today.


Here is what I got back, along with the Admins phone number ....

Volunteer Photographers - Media Services Department - Work At Home

Volunteer photographers are needed to take professional quality photos of Church members in all aspects of gospel-centered life styles. These photos will be used by Church designers in all types of media material (i.e., pamphlets, videos, websites,). These photos may include Gospel oriented activities such as family home evening, home and visiting teaching, family history, performance of service by individuals or groups, prayer, scripture study, etc. Photos may be taken and submitted on a weekly, monthly basis, or as their time allows. Photographers can take these photos anywhere in the world as it relates to Church lifestyle. Every photo submitted must be accompanied by a signed Participant Release form. Photographers can retain the copyright for photos submitted to the Church, but must give the Church unlimited license to use these photos in any way or share them with members for non-commercial purposes.

Skills: Volunteer (not Church-Service Missionary) photographers will use their own photography equipment with digital capability. The equipment must be capable of generating at a minimum of 6 megapixels or high quality jpg. The volunteers should have photography experience or a desire to learn. Limitations on the types of photos include: a) No photos inside chapels or of Church meetings; and b) No photos depicting Christ or the early apostles.


The bishop didnt know anything about it. I think this program is too new. The church sent back their approval. Its all volunteer, so I dont need to shave my beard and I can still work full time. Im still filling out forms, but they've already welcomed me. So I am an official, volunteer church photographer.

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