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  1. Sorry, being very pedantic here, but this should be Red-tailed Hawk. A red-tailed hawk is any hawk with a red tail. A Red-tailed Hawk is Buteo jamaicensis. Yes, this is a tangent that no one else really cares about. B. General Guidelines for English Bird Names 1. Orthography. English names of birds are capitalized in keeping with standard ornithological practice. As noted by Parkes (1978), capitalization also prevents ambiguity between a species name and a description in such cases as “gray flycatcher” or “solitary sandpiper”. Diacritical marks are not used in English names. With respect to the use of hyphens, the committee follows Parkes (1978). https://americanornithology.org/about/committees/nacc/guidelines-for-english-bird-names/
  2. My wife works for the church. I have in the past, albeit part time. The church tries to be middle of the road pay-wise. If you get too low you have a hard time retaining employees and attracting new ones. Keeping an existing employee is better than continually retraining. Health insurance and time off benefits are good. Every business has their share of people who are a joy to work with, as well as those who are a challenge. I don't think the church is any different. The only anecdotal thing I'll pass on is that I've been told that the Quorum of the Twelve as well as other general officers are fantastic people to work with. My wife has had nothing but positive experiences with people at that level.
  3. Nothing I said applies to mothers
  4. My observation is that a lot of people tend to judge themselves more harshly that others do. Sometimes I wonder why some people do some of the things that they do, but for the most part I have enough going on in my own life to worry about what others are doing for very long.
  5. What are your thoughts on bishops serving for only 3 years versus the typical 5 they serve now? I haven't noticed anyone who I'm aware has actually served in that calling voicing an opinion.
  6. I would wonder if the FM group was aware of the problem. I've found several times when someone has stuck a sign on a vacuum saying it didn't work, but no one has actually notified the FM group.
  7. I've seen this more than once. Having the person say no to a calling doesn't mean that it was wrong to extend the calling.
  8. We just need to find out who makes those Swiss Guard uniforms.
  9. Perhaps a purchase then. The US government could do all kinds of things with the money they could get for selling part of SLC. Prop up social security for another couple months, use it to make a payment on the national debt, redecorate the White House bathrooms. etc etc etc.
  10. Do you have a link to the original National Geographic article?
  11. You’re thinner than I’d imagined.
  12. It sounds like setting out to build a tower without first counting the cost.
  13. Who do you mean by one? As far as personal meaning you and I can receive inspiration as to how scriptures apply in our lives. If we're talking about interpreting the bible as a church then that would be something at would come through the First Presidency.
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