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Everything posted by rpn

  1. I haven't participated in anything but the OP, but I would like to describe what I consider "tithing funds": They are the funds that individuals give up 10 percent of their increase. It is not the value of the farms the church has bought, or what gains the stock market makes or investments into the SLC mall (or any other commercial interest BECAUSE NONE OF ANY OF THAT IS the individual sacrifice of the member or use of what the member could have spent themselves. I see any but the original amounts as what God (using His mortal proxies) has done (and likely far beyond what individual mortals could or would have done with the funds had they not tithed).
  2. My take is that if it took Widow's Mite such a longtime to figure this out, then it could represent "thought we got all of it": we stopped looking a while ago. Are we now completely square or is someone holding back some more concerns that they'll publicize down the road?
  3. Glad to know you are currently on an upswing.
  4. Doesn't this all depend on what we eat and how we regulate temperature after resurrection and what paradisiacal glory turns out to be?
  5. I'll put my pitch in for serving as a foster parent if you can, but that service is pretty darn hard itself because the system isn't particularly good at supporting great parenting (much less what most of us do most of the time which is our best parenting in the moment not to be confused with always something that works for a particular child.)
  6. I think the shrinkage is from making vast assumptions based on little actual knowledge/revelation. Yes, all of that IS/may be the logical extension of what we now know. But we obviously do not have have enough absolute truth knowledge to confirm it, so no one (and most importantly the Church or our leaders) should be officially teaching it.
  7. I thought it is pretty accurate and thorough. I wouldn't have used "weird" though.
  8. But the handbook instructions about garments (read at TR interviews) are clear that that is required. So there is an internal church disconnect of expectations. So do we get extra points for wearing them as much we can? Are we clearly not celestial material if we are more lax? Does it depend on why?
  9. I think the twin issues of culturally adopting a there is a one, who we are in mortal life is more important than who we are eternally are both part of how this thinking gets foster. See last 10 minutes particularly.
  10. Does it prevent someone from getting permanent residence status as a spouse? I don't think so, at least in every case. But overstaying a visa for even a day results in a 3 year bar, so go home during the process. Apparently waivers of the 2 year requirement are harder to get when your J1 program is paid for by government. https://www.lawfirm1.com/j-1-visa-to-marriage-based-green-card-rules-and-restrictions/ And what would be so bad about starting married life and a family in a foreign country, giving yor children dual citizenship?
  11. Our good acts do not allow us to commit any one else's time, attention, resources of finances without their advanced agreement. You buy them yourself. (You might ask for a bulk price. And you should hire people to place the books in the rooms or at least tip generously those who have do to that work too.
  12. https://www.boundless.com/immigration-resources/types-of-us-work-visas/ why not the permanent resident option? uscis.gov Once you marry, your spouse can apply for permanent residence and remain in the United States while we process the application. If you choose this method, file a Form I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiancé(e). Filing instructions and forms are available on our Web site at www. uscis.
  13. But that isn't what she said. She was describing how the man taught and described himself leading up to the wickedness (or at least up to when we knew about what he was actually doing).
  14. Wait! What? In some wards the Relief Society Presidents have been performing the setting apart? No, the sustaining of the RSP and counselors, secretaries, teachers, in RS meeting.
  15. RSP already do that in multiple wards I have been in, but as I think of it, not uniformly.
  16. Women (and men and children) already can bring with them someone in any interviews. And victims of abuse or sexual abuse do not need to confess anything to a bishop. They are victims and have not committed sin by having been sinned against: nothing to be sorry about. But it is true that it is not uncommon for bishops to probe into what they shouldn't and to otherwise come across and trying to make sure the victim hasn't sinned (sometimes wrongly because they still believe that you aren't really raped if you remain alive after the event).
  17. The General Authority talks to all of existing stake male leadership, one by one. I am aware of one occasion when the GA also spoke to all the women stake leaders (and if I recall correctly, also the wives of the Stake Presidency). It was talked about widely because it was unheard of. The General Authority who is seeking God's guidance would be foolish not too include women in trying to figure it out. But it hasn't been historically what happened everywhere. ETA: I should have noted that part of what a GA is doing in interviewing the men is seeing if God tells him directly. "this is your guy". And the spirit sometimes also says NONE of the current stake leadership should be chosen.
  18. So maybe if everyone who knows her writes c/o the family member closest, she'll get the letters. Whether or not she can read them or remember anyone, she can still understand that they are people who cared about her enough to write (and maybe enjoy any flower photos or pictures or animal photos or pictures that are included). If anyone does this, I hope you include that others remember her name and wish her well..
  19. While I see the value of spanish speaking ward option, I see lots of downsides in seperating by stakes. 1) it doesn't help integregation into their new country 2) it almost never would mean the spanish speaking stake would have similar resources. 3) When people move to a new country integration is impeded to the extent that newcomers can be "othered" in any way; and 4) Why can't spanish speakign people be in leadership positions without making a spanish speaking Stake?
  20. NOTE: If you are going to send your troubled teen somewhere, make it the Anasazi Foundation (headquartered in Mesa AZ) (and parents have to participate on the front end (in a day seminar to understand what parents need to focus on for themselves, and on back end with their student who wants to show them what they've learned and their plans moving forward. No force is used. But each participant begins to understand cause and effect as they have to ask for what they need to walk and subsist and be self motivated.
  21. Aside from Bishop (and the shared partnership of the Patriarch and secretary that usually is a married couple), I can't think of any callings that require marriage. I served in leadership roles as a single person (and recall that others did to).
  22. I was single in the church from 18-35 (with two years for a marriage). It isn't that there isn't a place: but rather that those in the space have to work to make the place (by communicating directly with other singles to set up an activity several times a month, and inviting families and singles to FHE or Friday night games, community service, etc. Sure that is typically harder than being home alone or hanging out with people from work, or taking a second job or just reading a lot. But that isn't less true for married people, either. Whatever our marital status or age or lot on life, we are all just on our own journey. (I always joined the choir, and told the PP I could teach on short notice. And I put effort in to remembering names of everyone and using them (which often felt very lonely in the moment).
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