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"anonymous Bishop" Blogs About Poverty

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The latest blog post by "Anonymous Bishop" seems to be getting a lot of attention on my Facebook feed...




I thought that some here might be interested in his take on Elder Holland's recent Gen Con address.


I don't know who this man is, but I would bet dollars to donuts he is not actually a bishop. Those are all talking points I have not only seen and read from "other" sites, but his phraseology gives him away, in my opinion, as someone who is less than sympathetic. Such is the nature of the internet I suppose. I will now be lambasted for questioning this man's sincerity. So be it.

Edited by lvjd66
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Seriously? Meet in homes?  How about his? He better beef up his insurance when someone gets hurt and sues him because he didn't have all the requisite safety features. Rent a schoolhouse every day of the week for activities?  What universe does this guy live in?


Not a chance this guy is a Bishop. I am sorry. No chance whatsoever. I have heard bitter members of my own family use these exact same talking points.

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I don't know who this man is, but I would bet dollars to donuts he is not actually a bishop. Those are all talking points I have not only seen and read from "other" sites, but his phraseology gives him away, in my opinion, as someone who is less than sympathetic. Such is the nature of the internet I suppose. I will now be lambasted for questioning this man's sincerity. So be it.


My understanding is that he was released from his calling as Bishop earlier this year after serving a "full term".  But, there is certainly the possibility that he is lying.  He would then have to be making up with personal experiences that he shares from his time as Bishop.


I, of course, don't find him to be "less than sympathetic" since I share many similar views with him and I am quite sympathetic to/of the church.  And I recognize that one can share such views while still serving faithfully in the church.

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Seriously? Meet in homes?  How about his? He better beef up his insurance when someone gets hurt and sues him because he didn't have all the requisite safety features. Rent a schoolhouse every day of the week for activities?  What universe does this guy live in?


In one area of my mission we rented the empty space above an auto parts store and used it as our branch's meetinghouse.


Many churches here in my state rent local schools for church meetings and activities.  It is not unheard of.

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My understanding is that he was released from his calling as Bishop earlier this year after serving a "full term".  But, there is certainly the possibility that he is lying.  He would then have to be making up with personal experiences that he shares from his time as Bishop.


I, of course, don't find him to be "less than sympathetic" since I share many similar views with him and I am quite sympathetic to/of the church.  And I recognize that one can share such views while still serving faithfully in the church.


One of the biggest clues, to me that I can't even imagine you doing, was his tag to the picture of a church house which read "This chapel brought to you by Elder W. Craig Zwick Construction". The man is trying to smear and imply something he has no proof of to one of the Lord's anointed. Furthermore, he basically says the Church paid for Elder Holland's degrees to Yale, without a single ounce of proof. He just states it is probably so, then assumes it is true for the rest of his post. 


I am sorry, but that guy is not who he claims to be.

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Not a chance this guy is a Bishop. I am sorry. No chance whatsoever. I have heard bitter members of my own family use these exact same talking points.


It's quite narrow-minded to conclude that because of what he wrote he can't have served as a Bishop.  Have you read much from Bill Reel (DBMormon, on here, I think).  He was serving as a Bishop when he had a personal faith crisis.


I'm not a Bishop but I am a 1st counselor to a Bishop and I agree with much of what this guy wrote in the article.  You might consider that there exists a wide diversity of viewpoints among active, faithful church members.

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It's quite narrow-minded to conclude that because of what he wrote he can't have served as a Bishop.  Have you read much from Bill Reel (DBMormon, on here, I think).  He was serving as a Bishop when he had a personal faith crisis.


I'm not a Bishop but I am a 1st counselor to a Bishop and I agree with much of what this guy wrote in the article.  You might consider that there exists a wide diversity of viewpoints among active, faithful church members.


Its not his viewpoints (not entirely at least) that lead me to believe he is lying about who he is and what his true motives are.

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One of the biggest clues, to me that I can't even imagine you doing, was his tag to the picture of a church house which read "This chapel brought to you by Elder W. Craig Zwick Construction". The man is trying to smear and imply something he has no proof of to one of the Lord's anointed. Furthermore, he basically says the Church paid for Elder Holland's degrees to Yale, without a single ounce of proof. He just states it is probably so, then assumes it is true for the rest of his post. 


I am sorry, but that guy is not who he claims to be.


I don't agree with everything he's written but that doesn't mean he's lying about having served as a Bishop.


p.s.  Elder Zwick is the former president and CEO of Zwick Construction (builder of LDS chapels).  https://www.lds.org/church/leader/w-craig-zwick?lang=eng

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What reasons could there be to tie in who ONE (of many) builder of LDS Chapels is in his post? He is implying an unseemly benefit at best. It is something I find disgusting, and tells me all I need to know about him.


I suppose you could interpret it that way.

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In one area of my mission we rented the empty space above an auto parts store and used it as our branch's meetinghouse.

Many churches here in my state rent local schools for church meetings and activities. It is not unheard of.

So it sounds like this specific concern of his is unfounded. The church already rents some locations rather than always building.

Or does the ex bishop believe the church should never build?

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What other reasonable interpretation is there?


Ummm... NOT a smear.  It was just a photo caption.  I guess I don't read these things with a bias that makes me look for the negative.  I thought it was an interesting little factoid.  But I understand where you are coming from.

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So it sounds like this specific concern of his is unfounded. The church already rents some locations rather than always building.

Or does the ex bishop believe the church should never build?


It seems that he feels we should build less and reduce costs by going more simple.

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