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How Does A Blogger Get This Many Things Wrong?


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Are Mormons Closer to Muslims or Christians?

some of the low-lights:

While many Americans might not be willing to consider electing a Muslim candidate for president in 2012, in reality Islam is about as close to Christianity as Mormonism.

Both Islam and Mormonism have teachings from the Christian Bible and believe Jesus was "a prophet," but they had prophets after Jesus that they believe to be more authentic and current than Jesus.

Both Islam and Mormonism allowed four wives but both forbid homosexuality and bisexuality.

Joseph Smith had to move from Illinois to Missouri.

If a Christian of any denomination inadvertently walked into a Mormon tabernacle or a mosque, which would be fairly difficult since both allow only members of their faith to enter, there is no way the service could be recognized as a Christian devotion to Christ, but there is plenty of devotion to God going on.

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Are Mormons Closer to Muslims or Christians?

some of the low-lights:

That is what are critics do...twist the truth into what they want. We do not teach that Christ was a prophet...Jews and Muslims do...and btw teach that he is a "minor Prophet" since he had none of his own writtings.
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This is so blantantly ignorant of any facts that it blows my mind that someone who obviously wants to write about a topic would purposely seek to be so stupid.

Having done battle with these type of people for years...it is not stupid (always) but very calculating. they truly "lie and wait to deceive" as Paul taught.
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It is very easy. There will be those who have "itching ears." This will scratch that itch and they will never do any fact checking. Nor will they listen to anyone who does try to present an opposing point of view.


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It is a sl political hack job. If they can connect Romney with Islamic terrorist, no matter how tenuous, then they have hurt his campaign. With the Huffington post this has to be the motive.

The same can, of course, be said for conniving folk with regards to smearing Barack 'Hussein' Obama (or when targeting any political candidate). "There's a sucker born every minute." [P.T. Barnum) ... and this class of voters collectively get their voting saavy from the Huffington Post or the National Inquirer.

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Both Islam and Mormonism have teachings from the Christian Bible and believe Jesus was "a prophet," but they had prophets after Jesus that they believe to be more authentic and current than Jesus.

If you play hymn #134 backwards, don't you get "Jesus is an out-dated phoney"?

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Here's my brief response:


And there is a comments section. Please join in. Ms. Wood deserves to be thoroughly taken to the . . . er, woodshed for her sorry little article.

Dan I posted a comment on your article. For the record I thought it was good but, as I posted in the comments, I think you missed the attempt to play on the fears and biases of her readers and the political implications.

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Here's my brief response:


And there is a comments section. Please join in. Ms. Wood deserves to be thoroughly taken to the . . . er, woodshed for her sorry little article.

By people of her own faith would be best and the most effective, that would be best for both faiths.
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What I found odd in this story is the few individuals who commented as follows, I am an active Mormon and I must apologise for the terrible way Dan Peterson responded to you. Your blog was accurate and I see no need for such a vitriolic response. Who are these whackos? You have got to be a very twisted individual to write these type of things. How is one so committed to lying that they sell their soul to achieve the goal of destroying another human? There is a special place in hell for these type of people; I pity them, but I will not feel sorry to see them burn for their choices.

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