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About randy

  • Birthday 07/12/1957

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    Independence, Missouri

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  1. Dang it....I was gonna take ya out for lunch!
  2. Amen brother! Say...do you live in Independence?
  3. True enough....but it's difficult to watch good and wonderful people languish in a hopeless condition as they wait for something thats not going to happen ie; some sort of hybrid Restoration Church that the Lord will bring about. They are good people, we could sure use their strength and faith to help bring to pass all the blessings that await Independence, Mo! We need them....and it's frustrating to watch all of those groups watch and wait for something that is already here! I believe in miracles!
  4. I just finished most of the video you shared with me. I enjoyed it, however, I must say....that what Patrick shared is pretty much what the RLDS/Restoration Branches have always said...namely "they are waiting for the Lord to come set the Church in order". As LDS, that position is a non-starter due to the fact that the LDS church..since day one April 6th, 1830 has continued to grow and execute the mandate given it by the Lord. What Patrick is saying, without saying it in the video is that the JCRB are waiting for the Lord to either 1) through divine manifestation, show the LDS people that the LDS church is NOT the Lords only true and living church, thereby setting the stage for the "new reorganization", or 2) they are waiting on the Lord to show them how to organize with a Prophet. If the LDS faithful will remember anything from the past two days...its this, the Lords Prophet declared boldly that the House of the Lord and the covenants we make therein, bind us to our Heavenly Father. Also that the keys necessary to direct the gathering of Israel and administrating the ordinances necessary for salvation are only found in the LDS Church. So, all that being said, Patrick's desire and hope, albeit sincere....is not going to happen in the way he suspects or hopes it will. As I said above, sincerely....the way this unification and oneness will occur is by individuals embracing the fullness of the gospel as its found in the LDS church.
  5. This is good! I will check out the video! Thank you! Let me ask you though, whilst I got ya...if you were to describe what Patrick's "desire" is for the Restoration groups...what would it be and how does he feel it will need to be accomplished?
  6. The members of all the Restoration Factions/Branches/Church of Christ Temple Lot and the others....simply need to accept the Restored Gospel in it's fullness and join with the Saints in the LDS church. Pres. Nelson boldly outlined what we ALL need to be doing, and what we need to be doing NOW! Our Restoration cousins need to humble themselves with respect to the past "Differences that Persist", and join the fellowship of the Saints! They need to come aboard the ARK! A couple of raindrops fell over the weekend!
  7. I was born and raised in Indep. Mo....our family joined the LDS church in 1964. When I was newly married (very young)...Patrick McKay was my neighbor. We both lived across the street from the Enoch Hill Congregation of the RLDS, which at the time was considered a bastion of, and defender of fundamental/conservative RLDS doctrine. Patrick was VERY much a "Brigham Bad" personality, I suspect he still is. He never had much positive to say about the LDS Church doctrinally, although he did appreciate what the Church does as far as taking care of it's own, and humanitarian efforts around the world. Patrick never struck me as a "bridge builder", but rather one who was waiting for the Lord to "set the RLDS Church in order", then lower the boom on the Brighamites. Having said that....I do hope that he has changed and that he is sincerely trying to establish good will.
  8. I was born and raised in Indep. Mo, so this eventuality has been discussed in all Restoration circles for decades. So, it is somewhat surreal to see it actually come into reality. I am beyond excited to hear this wonderful news. I believe the Church will go to great lengths to help our Restoration cousins continue to feel connected to these incredibly sacred sites and artifacts. I must confess though...I do hope the Church will keep these artifacts where they are at locally and not feel compelled to take them back to the Church History Museum. I would hope the original Liberty Jail Door will find itself at the Liberty Jail Visitors Center...as one example. But, such wonderful and exciting news! Oh...and all in due time regarding our Church of Christ Temple Lot cousins!
  9. I am so sorry for the loss of your Sweetheart! I was born and raised in Indep. Mo...I am 66yrs old. I have friends in most of the "Restoration Branch" flavors...of which there are several as you know. The ones I know are wonderful people...sincere in their beliefs. Once upon a time back in the day...I felt certain that if "we" could just show them this from history, or connect this dot...or debate the "differences that persist" for the upteenth billion times...surely they would/could see things differently. I have learned that although sharing what I know to be true is a good thing....I needed to let some things go and just be thankful for the Restored gospel and my testimony. All the rest of that "stuff" would eventually work itself out....and it is...slowly. I gotta say though....growing up in the Church in Indep. Mo has been, well....invigorating!
  10. In my mind all of this eventually goes back to the First Vision. To quote Pres. Hinckley..."Our whole strength rests on the validity of that First Vision. It either occurred or it did not occur. If it did not, then this work is a fraud. It it did, then it is the most important and wonderful work under the heavens." Pres. Hinckley also stated "Each of us have to face the matter....either the Church is true, or it's a fraud. There is no middle ground. It is the Church and Kingdom of God, or it is nothing." So for me....its a pretty simple choice. I choose to believe. Simple.
  11. Just an observation.... You just seem cynical and so negative. But, I do feel to owe you a sincere apology. I did notice on another thread that you had or are having a struggle dealing with an issue involving the Temple Sealer who performed your sealing, so I can understand why you would be upset. So, to that end I apologize. But, as others have said, and I agree....your sealing is valid.....just let the other stuff go or it will eat you alive inside to the point where Satan will achieve a real victory over you. Again, I apologize and I wish you well.
  12. ...such cynicism and angst you're carrying! Just let that stuff go...so you can be at peace
  13. Ya might wanna take a look at the palms of your hands...your palm lines might be worn off with all that hand wringing you're doing....breathe.....relax....
  14. No invalidation from here, but I do have a question for you. You stated that you "believe in the truthfulness of the gospel", but yet you are waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop before you take "your leave". May I ask what your testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ is rooted in?
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