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Without The Fall Of Adam, Where Would We Be?

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We Mormons believe the Fall was an essential part of God's plan of salvation.


For our non-Mormon friends, what would have happened if Adam and Eve

had not sinned in the Garden? Where would we be now? Do you believe

it was a necessary step in God's plan?


Would you agree with the principles in these quotes?

What would have happened?

Of course this is speculative, no one really knows for sure. But, it is my belief, that Adam and Eve would have filled the earth as commanded, and it would have been a paradisiacal earth as it was in the beginning. With God communing with each and everyone, just as he did with Adam and Eve.


Where would we be now?

This is a bit harder to answer. 6 thousand years later, I’m guessing that sin would have entered the world at some point, given the free-will that was given to Adam and Eve in the garden. And judgment follows sin, so I’d guess that we’d be in a similar place today, that we are already in.


Do I believe it was a necessary step in God’s plan?

Yes and no. Understanding that God’s plan was to create a group of people who worship and commune with him because they want to, not because they have to. Then yes, this is both a necessary step and an anticipated part of his plan.

But no, I don’t agree that God wanted Adam and Eve to eat the fruit.


Do I agree with the principles in the quotes? No.




Just as a practical matter, how would we all fit in the garden?


Don't think they'd be limited to the garden, as it says to fill the earth. 

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