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Where Will This Lead?

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I thought I heard a similar talk in sacrament today and the closing punch line put the exclamation point on it when he said: "I refuse to take for granted the blessings I now enjoy". What a creed to follow!!!  I also want to refuse to take for granted the blessings I enjoy. It's a change in perspective that comes when Christ enters in and carries the burdens life and the effects of sin off our backs. What a living miracle and sign post for others along the path. Excellent.


Beautiful sentiments in here.   The board would be even better with more of this type of post.

How grateful I am for the Grace, Mercy, Atonement, Plan, and Hope that comes from God and His holy child Jesus.  I really believe that the slate can indeed be wiped clean for all of us!  No exceptions, No Lost Causes.


I would be happier, more motivated, and 'better' if I were to remember and hold my blessings in life as Pearls of Great Price.




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