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Josephus History

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You can read William Whiston's old, out of date translation free at http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/03d/0037-0103,_Flavius_Josephus,_De_Bello_Judaico,_EN.pdf , and http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/03d/0037-0103,_Flavius_Josephus,_The_Antiquities_Of_The_Jews,_EN.pdf .

However, you'd be better off with the Loeb Classical Library edition of his works.  We get so few eyewitness accounts. Josephus was at one point an Essene (Qumran).  Later he was commander of the Jewish forces in Galilee fighting the Romans.  He was also a Jewish kohen (priest).  His views are of incalculable value.

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21 minutes ago, strappinglad said:

I'm also told that the blue light from a computer screen is not good before trying to sleep .

You could always get an e-book reader. Either an Amazon Kindle Paperwhite or a Kobo Aura will offer you optimum reading conditions for ebook, without any of the glowing issues of a computer screen.

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8 hours ago, strappinglad said:

Honestly, I can't handle reading from a screen for more than a few pages. I like the feel of a book. I'm also told that the blue light from a computer screen is not good before trying to sleep .

Newer tech has the option of a night screen without blue light.

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13 hours ago, strappinglad said:

Honestly, I can't handle reading from a screen for more than a few pages. I like the feel of a book. I'm also told that the blue light from a computer screen is not good before trying to sleep .

This is how I feel too...nothing like a real book...the smell and everything makes a difference for me.  

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21 hours ago, strappinglad said:

Thinking of getting the complete works of Josephus . 1200 thin pages . Need some more pre-bedtime reading. Could use a quick yah or nah from anyone who has actually read most of his works. What is the view on its value ?

I inherited the 4 volume set, I know the evangelicals loved him.  Pretty sure Josephus was considered a traitor by many so I never had that much interest in him.  Think what bothered me most about his fans here stateside was they'd always give him a pass because he was a Jew and would totally brush aside his betrayal and well, kind of selling his people out for money and status. 


I've yet to have the time, Tacitus is on the list.  He was a patriotic roman, a proud Pagan but at least he had character.  He wrote of Christs suffering under Pilot, how Christians were martyred and the early Church in Rome.  For me i'd take someone like that a lot more seriously mostly because he didn't sell his own kind out and he had some character but then again that's me, i'll always think a lot higher of the guy who walks the walk, even if his language isn't as flowery. 



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18 hours ago, strappinglad said:

Honestly, I can't handle reading from a screen for more than a few pages. I like the feel of a book. I'm also told that the blue light from a computer screen is not good before trying to sleep .

Preaching to the choir, hate reading books from a screen and yes, blue light is not good for sleep. 


I set my alarm when I get home, put it on charge and forget about it for that reason. 

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