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  1. Hah! Many years ago (40 or so, actually) I used an example like this in a workshop on enriching family history. It was for a Relief Society education day. I followed up by talking about how a camera acts as a "third eye", and adds a fourth dimension to our perception. While I don't remember any further details, I could probably make up a good story 😃 During the class I was somewhat emotional, which some sisters interpreted as being due to how strongly I felt about the topic. Actually, I had been given some of the worst news of my life just a few hours earlier, and was in shock. The class was, as they say, well received.
  2. I feel much the same way about reactions from certain posters. For me, it's related to respect. (by the way, perhaps this is what will prevent me, in the end, from becoming a god: I decidedly am a respecter of persons 😀, including some I disagree with)
  3. Looking at it the other way around, I sincerely hope that people are reading posts that they downvote. Is it really possible that someone would downvote a post without reading it? That would really bother me, but, again, I'm not the board nanny, and (apart from it being against the rules) have no wish to be so.
  4. About 2-3 years ago I read a more recent dystopian novel that included an attempted invasion of Britain via the Chunnel. Unfortunately I've forgotten the name, and cannot find by googling.
  5. The saints apparently had incredible engineering skills: "Some of the allegations about kidnapping English women verged on the absurd. In the late 1800s, said Foster, a myth began to circulate in Europe that Mormons had built a tunnel to traffic young English virgins to polygamist families in Utah. The tunnel started in Liverpool and continued beneath the American continent to empty into the Salt Lake Temple, where the virgins would be immediately deflowered. News of the tunnel supposedly got around after an English woman jumped out of the window of the Temple into the Great Salt Lake (which is 20 miles away), swam to freedom and lived to tell her tale. Foster said that he heard the myth repeated as recently as 1980 in Belgium, where he was serving a mission." https://www.thedailybeast.com/britain-puts-mormonism-on-trial/ (paywall ☚ī¸) I heard that myth in the 1960s in Scotland.
  6. Sorry to hear this, JVW. I hope that you and your family are able to spend time with your mom, and are able to comfort her in the weeks ahead. In the end, though, IMO there is no answer to that question.
  7. In my little branch in Scotland the members (particularly the young single adults, mostly former Protestants) had a tradition of attending midnight mass as a group - at midnight. At Christmas a few years ago, my wife & I were in Cordoba, Mexico, and went to midnight mass in the cathedral. Even as a non-believer I have to admit that the experience was moving - the cathedral is magnificent inside and out, and the music and acoustics were beautiful, as was the offering of the hand of fellowship at the end of the service. My Spanish is not good enough to understand all of the words of the homily, but since I know the Christmas story 😊 I was able to follow well enough. All in all a memorable occasion.
  8. I blinked as I read the last part of your comment, and saw "snake hands". I had to reread from "Y'all" on, and stifle a LOL.
  9. If you go to your profile, and click the Reputation button, you can see a summary of reactions given & received. ETA: apparently you can see anyone's rep summary, not just your own!
  10. Thanks, Devobah. I feel very much the same way: if I particularly like a comment for any reason - perhaps I disagree, but I find it thought-provoking - I may "Like" it, but I don't so much like the idea of downvoting something without giving my rationale. I confess that I do sometimes upvote a comment that I might have previously passed by if I see that it has been downvotes for no obvious (to me!) reason.
  11. Some of the folks who have been around for a long time and have participated during that time could tell you how things were in the past, better than I can. As you can see, I've made fewer than 270 comments in 15 years, with many of them being in the past few years, if I remember correctly. From 2009 till a couple of years ago I mostly popped in for a look every few months, but had little to say. My recollection is that until recently, making comments about the church that were negative in any way was frowned upon, and so some of the conversations that you are seeing would probably have been quite different. As with many other things, I am open to correction about that. Calm, is my recollection reasonably accurate? Maybe Calm, California Boy, smac, or others with high comment counts would like to give you some history of the forum.
  12. Thanks, Dario. It's my first thread starter on this forum. I have a couple of related items rattling around in my brain, and perhaps I'll make another OP or two.
  13. Actually, I'd go a little further and say that not only is there no harm in it, but to me it indicates a degree of empathy and acceptance that one poster can gently make fun of another, knowing that it will not be taken badly. Another of the things I like about this forum.
  14. "if someone who usually gives me positive reactions suddenly gives me a negative reaction, then that would give me pause for thought." Very much this, but a little more. I feel the same about some posters here that I have a lot of respect for, even though they are, so to speak, on the other side of the belief spectrum from me, and may normally not upvote or otherwise comment favourably. I'm bothered by a negative comment or a downvote from one of these posters because it makes me think that I may either have expressed myself particularly badly, or have missed something in the discussion.
  15. Thanks, Dario, for your kind thoughts towards me. Yes, it's all good!
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