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Doctrine 612

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Everything posted by Doctrine 612

  1. Every time this happens my wife and I speculate who will be next. she had me beat 3-2 but I guessed this one right. how? I looked at the presidents of the seventy and said this one looks handsome. my wife said they have called ugly men before. I said “not anymore it’s about image.”
  2. Yes. years ago during fast and testimony meeting. a guy gets and explains why he should be the bishop. he rambled on and on and said something about being a descendant of Aaron and that it’s his right. they told him to sit down. there was some talk later about it. but never saw that guy again
  3. After I joined the church I made friends with a family from Utah and during the holidays they would make Mormon wine. it has now been a tradition in my family since. mormon wine. one container of grape concentrate. one 2L ginger ale soda. mix. if you get a headache the next morning that’s called a morning hangover. lol.😆
  4. During one of my lessons on 1cor 10:4 4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. “The rock that followed” I shared the story of the rolling rock that looked like a beehive that when the people would sing to it the rock would give them water. it’s a old Jewish tradition. one member said that the story sounded to far fetch. I responded with and the Red Sea parting the piller of fire the cloud for cover and a man rising from the dead is ok but the rock story is where you stop. 😆. he started to laugh in a joyful way and we all had a great exchange. The whole meeting went well. the next lesson coming up is skipping a good lesson on doing the right thing for the wrong reason. Phil ch 1 Always use the lesson manual for good questions but teaching the history of the scriptures and the situation behind them helps the students dive deeper.
  5. Unfortunately this is nothing new, I see it here in our stakes as well. I believe it mostly comes from what type of teacher you have and bishop. Before the new schedule I taught Sunday school for 6 years then went to a teach every other Sunday with a partner to free up some time for my other calling. I will honk my own horn here, 😂. The bishop would make jokes that when I taught my class was hard to find a seat And when the other teacher taught you could always find a seat. my style is teach the scriptures and the doctrine. my partner was how does this make you feel. My conclusion is that members are hungry and thirsty for knowledge of the scriptures.
  6. going to take some heat for this, 😂 I would love the church to go back to a 3rd hour. 2 hours was great for the Covid situation.
  7. Been in the church over 20 years. Bishops cheated 0, Didn’t care 4, dumb 5, bad Counselors. One in every bishopric. stake president cheated 1, didn’t care 3, dumb 4 Only one man I knew that took the calling seriously.
  8. I went away from the handshake years ago before covid. simple story, went to use the bathroom and noticed some people not washing hands afterwards. Am I wrong?
  9. In some other groups I been hearing about the hymn book finally being released soon, what have you heard?
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