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Will Schryver and the KEP

David Bokovoy

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This information has been made pubic and it therefore needs to be posted on this board for readers to see. I do not want to have any misconceptions on this issue circulating. Will Schryver has chosen to make public a portion of a recent email exchange by posting the contents of the letter online. Here is what he shared:

From: William Schryver [xxx@yyy.com]

Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 11:21 AM

To: 'Daniel Peterson'

Subject: Distressing News

I have been informed, in a manner that lends credence to the account, that David Bokovoy (and unnamed others—most likely Don Bradley* and Sam Brown*) have been engaged in a “behind the scenes” campaign to persuade people associated with the Maxwell Institute to distance themselves from me and my “discredited” research/findings concerning the Kirtland Egyptian Papers. Their activities have even come to the attention of several people associated with the GSTP— (IRL info eliminated) and Kevin Graham in particular. Kevin Graham, in the past couple days, has made several references to correspondence between him and Bokovoy, and he (Graham) is crowing with giddy exultation over the fact that “the responsible LDS apologists” have allegedly rejected me and my findings


In the same thread, Kevin Graham made the following statement regarding Will’s work on the KEP:

I can tell you that I have been contacted out of the blue by no less than three people who actively participate on the MAD apologetics board, and they are faithful LDS who express serious concerns with not only Will Schryver's mannerisms, but also his apologetic arguments dealing with the KEP. To quote one concerned member, "I am even more concerned that the Maxwell Institute is even considering his work for publication (I have a lot of respect for Paul Hoskisson), and publication would only hurt their cause and reputation in the academic community.

Will assumed that this statement confirmed his accusations of my “behind the scenes” campaign to destroy his efforts to publish. Using language he enjoys writing as a description of me, Will responded:

Mmmmm ... I wonder who the author of this quote might be?

No doubt someone the denizens of the GSTP hold in high esteem.

I'm reminded again of Joe Walsh's sage observation:

"You can only judge the distance by the company you keep."

Now for those who have been subjected to these claims, I would like to offer a public clarification:

1. Despite my respect for Kevin and the fact that I would enjoy getting together with him and discussing any academic subject, he and I have never once conversed about the KEP and/or Will’s research. It hasn’t happened.

2. I don’t mean to be offensive to Will, but given my views of the BofA, I am simply not very interested in the KEP, let alone pursuing in detail any of Will’s theories. I have enough on my academic plate preparing a couple of articles for publication and finishing and publishing my dissertation.

3. If I have suggestions for what the Maxwell Institute should or should not publish, I would never engage in a “behind the scenes” campaign. I would do it out in the open for all to see. I believe I have published at least eight articles with the Maxwell Institute and have been used at least six or seven times this school year as a peer reviewer for what the Institute should or should not publish. I just sent back a peer review last week, and now that the article has appeared, can state that I gave a hearty prepublication endorsement of Kevin Barney’s recent article sent to me by Paul Hoskisson entitled, “On Elkenah as Canaanite El.” Despite the fact that I hold other theories on a couple of minor points, it's a great read, I recommend it!

So in other words, despite Will’s assertion, I would simply never write the words, "I am even more concerned that the Maxwell Institute is even considering his work for publication (I have a lot of respect for Paul Hoskisson), and publication would only hurt their cause and reputation in the academic community.”

These were not my words. Though I am not employed by the Institute, I feel very much a part of it and would never speak of it as "their cause." Their cause is my cause.

Hence, if I felt this way, I wouldn’t “work behind the scenes,” in the manner Will assumes, instead, I would tell Paul Hoskisson directly that I don't think the Institute should publish the piece. In fact, because of Will’s allegations, Paul invited me to write a response to Will’s theories in a forthcoming publication of the Journal of Restoration Scripture. I thanked him for the offer, but shared with him the fact that I am truly not interested in addressing the topic.

Please note, if Will’s theories are eventually published in the Journal of Restoration Scripture, it will be a noteworthy accomplishment in which he should take considerable pride. I know how difficult it is to get an article published in the journal. However, assuming that this occurs, publication by the Institute will not make his theories correct, nor suggest that the Institute officially endorses Will’s views, but it will indicate that they deserve serious consideration.

Personally, I truly hope that he succeeds.


--David Bokovoy

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Thank you for the clarification, David.

You are a class act and no mistake.

I wish you all the best in your publishing endeavors.

Your combination of scholarly erudition with creative textual analysis makes your work a delight to read.

(End of suck-up.)

All the Best!


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I guess I'll just have to take your word that Kevin Graham was not quoting you.

There was, however, sufficient cause for me to reach the conclusion I did. First of all, Graham has been, for several weeks now, trumpeting the claim that you and he have been in correspondence. Second, the subsequent language in these posts was in precisely the same vein as the anonymous quote he posted today.

Finally, the following post of yours from this message board would lead one to believe you are in sympathy with the sentiments conveyed by Graham's anonymous quote. You wrote, about a month ago:

... since Mr. Schryver's presentation has been hyped as the salvation of the BofA from critics, many Latter-day Saints seem to have found themselves in a position comparable to George Armstrong Custer, with the combined forces of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho dismantling the BofA.

How we ever let Mr. Schryver lead this charge, I'll never know.

Link here.

Now I must rush to a dying friend's bedside, so I'm afraid I'll have to lay all this "real" drama aside for the time being.

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I'd actually like to see Will's work published. His publication would lead to more publications on the same subject and possibly lead to even more insights regarding the KEP (by either confirming, rejecting, or tweaking Will's theory).

I'm all for intellectual debate, discussion, and innovation.

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I guess I'll just have to take your word that Kevin Graham was not quoting you.

There was, however, sufficient cause for me to reach the conclusion I did. First of all, Graham has been, for several weeks now, trumpeting the claim that you and he have been in correspondence. Second, the subsequent language in these posts was in precisely the same vein as the anonymous quote he posted today.

Finally, the following post of yours from this message board would lead one to believe you are in sympathy with the sentiments conveyed by Graham's anonymous quote. You wrote, about a month ago:

Now I must rush to a dying friend's bedside, so I'm afraid I'll have to lay all this "real" drama aside for the time being.

That's true, Will and I apologize. That was neither kind, nor appropriate on my part. This was more a reflection of my frustrations with you rather than your work and I was out of line. I'm truly sorry.

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There was, however, sufficient cause for me to reach the conclusion I did. First of all, Graham has been, for several weeks now, trumpeting the claim that you and he have been in correspondence. Second, the subsequent language in these posts was in precisely the same vein as the anonymous quote he posted today.

So basically you were just pulling it out of your socks.

Fair enough.

But the hoops you jumprd through to reach your conclusions in this regard make me question your initial assertion by e-mail to Daniel Peterson that:

I have been informed, in a manner that lends credence to the account, that David Bokovoy (and unnamed others—most likely Don Bradley* and Sam Brown*) have been engaged in a “behind the scenes” campaign to persuade people associated with the Maxwell Institute to distance themselves from me and my “discredited” research/findings concerning the Kirtland Egyptian Papers.

You have already admitted you goofed on thinking Don and Sam were involved.

What solid evidence do you have that David was involved?

I mean, he is the only man left standing.

It's time to put up or shut up, Will.

All the Best!


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There was, however, sufficient cause for me to reach the conclusion I did. First of all, Graham has been, for several weeks now, trumpeting the claim that you and he have been in correspondence.

As I tried to explain to you in a personal email, the correspondence to which you refer did not deal with the KEP. It happened via Facebook, and I wrote him a note concerning some poltiical observations he had made on this forum which said," Don't get kicked off that board. Your insights are too important." When he acted surprised that I had guessed who he was, I paid him a complement which I stand by, stating, "maybe I've just read too many of your posts. Seriously, I always enjoy reading what you have to say on any topic. You've got an impressive gift for logic and debate." No KEP, no Will Schryver.

I reached out to him. I like Kevin. I feel bad that he is no longer with us. If he wishes to "trumpet that claim," I'm glad I was able to offer the support.

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This topic has been closed by a moderator.

Reason: Take the personal stuff elsewhere!!

Once again this did not originate on this board, but created and brought here for the purposes of more pot stirring.


Kind regards,

Mormon Dialogue & Discussion Board Staff

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