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I am a traducianist, as you correctly inferred. I'm impressed that you are familiar with the term.


Again, God has the right to set up whatever kind of world he wants and to establish whatever parameters he thinks are right. Since we are all sinners, our sense of justice and fairness is likely to be somewhat distorted by sin. We must therefore defer to what God himself reveals in the Bible as to what he thinks is just, fair, or reasonable.

Right, I'm familiar with that argument and the appeal to the Bible. I've already acknowledged it. My contention is that you privilege your private interpretation, or as you call it "the context" and I cited additional scriptures that seem to call your context into question.

I've said a lot about my own beliefs, but little about Calvinism because I am not interested in "pushing" one particular brand or variety of evangelical theology over another. But yes, I hold to a broadly Calvinist theology.

It seems you "push against" certain religious interpretations more than you promote your particular one (which, I don't particularly blame you for because I find Calvinism is generally not something your average joe or jane would eagerly accept).

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