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Washing machine repair tip

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So I pulled out the washing machine and put new hoses on it as well as cleaning out the screens so the water would flow properly. When I put it all back together on the spin cycle it would jump all around no matter how I balance the clothing. So then I grabbed my 2-foot level and leveled it within a 30 second of an inch. Amazingly it goes real smooth through the spin cycle now. I thought I was looking at Broken Springs or shocks or something or buying a used washer. Just an FYI for those of you who are do-it-yourselfers. It was a top loader washer.

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1 hour ago, rodheadlee said:

So I pulled out the washing machine and put new hoses on it as well as cleaning out the screens so the water would flow properly. When I put it all back together on the spin cycle it would jump all around no matter how I balance the clothing. So then I grabbed my 2-foot level and leveled it within a 30 second of an inch. Amazingly it goes real smooth through the spin cycle now. I thought I was looking at Broken Springs or shocks or something or buying a used washer. Just an FYI for those of you who are do-it-yourselfers. It was a top loader washer.

I'm adding "Washing Machine Repair Tips" to my list of useful reasons to check the Mormon Dialogue and Discussion Board.  The church's website should include an area for that too, maybe in the self-reliance section.

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4 hours ago, rodheadlee said:

So I pulled out the washing machine and put new hoses on it as well as cleaning out the screens so the water would flow properly. When I put it all back together on the spin cycle it would jump all around no matter how I balance the clothing. So then I grabbed my 2-foot level and leveled it within a 30 second of an inch. Amazingly it goes real smooth through the spin cycle now. I thought I was looking at Broken Springs or shocks or something or buying a used washer. Just an FYI for those of you who are do-it-yourselfers. It was a top loader washer.

I opened up the front of my dryer to replace a burned out something (dryer wouldn’t heat) and discovered the bottom filled with lint due to a teeny offset of the foam sealing pad around the lint filter tube (can’t remember the technical names right now).  Ten years of a minuscule leak added up.  I don’t understand how it didn’t cause a fire.

Which reminds me, it’s time to clean it out again.

And I need to take the bottom panel off the washer to look for the water filter I am told is there. (Lost the manual or it never came with one as I have lots of other stuff it came with). On newer machines it is just on the front of the machine, but since I can’t see it, I guess it’s behind it.  The washer isn’t smelling and that is why you clean it, but thought it would be a good idea anyway.

Edited by Calm
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