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On 1/23/2024 at 5:18 PM, Tacenda said:

My husband has had terrible stomach problems for a lot of our married life. He gets mad at me for saying the mind can cause pain from anxiety or worrying. Several years ago he was sued because his product didn't have the current date on the product label and they changed the law saying you are in trouble for each product not a one time fee. So people like to find outdated items and sue. Well it was for hundreds and we would have been sued for a lot. Luckily we have a good lawyer that took the case. So he has a good reason to worry. Now his worry is his receding gums and he recently had his whole right side done with gum grafts and later the other side. Since this he has had extreme pain again. So a friend recommended he read/listen to this book. I've listened and it's amazing,  and would work for all people. 


Dale Carnegie was a genius. I've never read this one, but perhaps I will now in Audible. Although I have little reason to read this book, since I don't worry very much. Especially about things I don't have control over. Which is a lot of things, so there are only two things you need to worry about: whether you're sick or healthy. If you're healthy, there's nothing to worry about. But even if you're sick there's only two things to worry about: whether you'll recover, or you'll die. If you recover, you have nothing to worry about. If you die, you'll only have two things to worry about: going to heaven, or going to hell. If you go to heaven, you have nothing to worry about. But if you go to hell, you'll be so darned busy shaking hands with friends, that you won't have time to worry.

So there's nothing to worry about.



Edited to add: and here I am laughing at my own joke. I'm pretty sure you've heard this before, but I just couldn't help myself! :D 

Edited by Stargazer
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1 hour ago, Stargazer said:

Dale Carnegie was a genius. I've never read this one, but perhaps I will now in Audible. Although I have little reason to read this book, since I don't worry very much. Especially about things I don't have control over. Which is a lot of things, so there are only two things you need to worry about: whether you're sick or healthy. If you're healthy, there's nothing to worry about. But even if you're sick there's only two things to worry about: whether you'll recover, or you'll die. If you recover, you have nothing to worry about. If you die, you'll only have two things to worry about: going to heaven, or going to hell. If you go to heaven, you have nothing to worry about. But if you go to hell, you'll be so darned busy shaking hands with friends, that you won't have time to worry.

So there's nothing to worry about.



Edited to add: and here I am laughing at my own joke. I'm pretty sure you've heard this before, but I just couldn't help myself! :D 

This is the best thing I've read in a long time, so funny and creative! 😍🤣

You ought to be a writer! 

Edited by Tacenda
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30 minutes ago, Tacenda said:

This is the best thing I've read in a long time, so funny and creative! 😍🤣

You ought to be a writer! 

Thanks, but I didn't originate that little bit. That was something going around when I was a teen. Which of course I found funny, so remembered it.

But it turns out, I am a writer. Of sorts, anyway. This book: The Bones of My People. It was ghost written by me based on a transcript of a recording of my late mother-in-law telling about her experiences as a German forced-laborer in the Soviet Union after WW2.

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4 hours ago, Stargazer said:

Thanks, but I didn't originate that little bit. That was something going around when I was a teen. Which of course I found funny, so remembered it.

But it turns out, I am a writer. Of sorts, anyway. This book: The Bones of My People. It was ghost written by me based on a transcript of a recording of my late mother-in-law telling about her experiences as a German forced-laborer in the Soviet Union after WW2.

Thanks so much for sharing!

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On 1/23/2024 at 10:18 AM, Tacenda said:

My husband has had terrible stomach problems for a lot of our married life. He gets mad at me for saying the mind can cause pain from anxiety or worrying. Several years ago he was sued because his product didn't have the current date on the product label and they changed the law saying you are in trouble for each product not a one time fee. So people like to find outdated items and sue. Well it was for hundreds and we would have been sued for a lot. Luckily we have a good lawyer that took the case. So he has a good reason to worry. Now his worry is his receding gums and he recently had his whole right side done with gum grafts and later the other side. Since this he has had extreme pain again. So a friend recommended he read/listen to this book. I've listened and it's amazing,  and would work for all people. 


I'm so glad it's working for you!

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