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MormonLeaks: Elder Perry on Homosexuality

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13 minutes ago, hope_for_things said:

The kind of paranoia shown here [snips]

Weasely attack word alert!

8 minutes ago, HappyJackWagon said:

Of course SSM, which is now legalized, is neither adultery nor fornication. Adultery is an extramarital relationship, so that doesn't apply. Fornication is a relationship when one is unmarried, so that doesn't apply.

Yeah, it seemed like really poor advice for a same sex couple showing "inappropriate affection".  Which he never really addresses, so we're not clear if hand holding or a kiss on the cheek were the inappropriate affection being asked about.  And I agree with you the terms make no sense, its amazing how dated this sounds and its just 3 years ago.   

3 minutes ago, thesometimesaint said:

My response to a SSM couple behaving inappropriately in church is the same as an OSM couple behaving inappropriately in church. Get a room.

Do you think the standards would really be the same?  Would a opposite sex couple giving each other a peck on the lips (which I've done countless times with my wife) be considered inappropriate?  What about a same sex couple?  

I'm using the BYU honor code guidelines that restrict public displays of affection, only for same sex couples, and that is what I assume local church leaders are interpreting as "inappropriate behavior".  

1 hour ago, rockpond said:

The latest MormonLeak is a document containing minutes from a 2014 priesthood leadership conference in Layton, UT.

If the brethren were focus on the issue the past few years - especially after Obergefell - then I'm not sure it's terribly relevant anymore. i.e. almost certainly views have changed. Although I'd agree with Gray that this represents common views for those who came of age 40 - 50 years ago. I'm not sure they're accurate in many people. Also others, such as Oaks, clearly seem to think it's biological in at least some cases.

46 minutes ago, HappyJackWagon said:

Of course SSM, which is now legalized, is neither adultery nor fornication. Adultery is an extramarital relationship, so that doesn't apply. Fornication is a relationship when one is unmarried, so that doesn't apply.

I'm not sure that's true. If a marriage isn't recognize by the relevant church body then it'd still be adultery. For instance the Church doesn't recognize common law marriages whereas the state does in various ways. From a church discipline perspective all that counts are what marriages the church recognizes. 

A good example of this was in Provo in the late 80's when a bunch of kids from Branbury went to Vegas, got married at a wedding chapel, had wild sex, got divorced, and came back to Provo. Guess what happened to them? (It wasn't full recognize that they weren't committing adultery or fornication)

21 minutes ago, clarkgoble said:

If the brethren were focus on the issue the past few years - especially after Obergefell - then I'm not sure it's terribly relevant anymore. i.e. almost certainly views have changed. Although I'd agree with Gray that this represents common views for those who came of age 40 - 50 years ago. I'm not sure they're accurate in many people. Also others, such as Oaks, clearly seem to think it's biological in at least some cases.

Yes, I agree that this is a common view for those who came of age 40 to 50 years ago.  But, Elder Perry isn't there representing his generation.  He is there as an apostle so his words will take on greater meaning to many in his audience.

45 minutes ago, thesometimesaint said:

My response to a SSM couple behaving inappropriately in church is the same as an OSM couple behaving inappropriately in church. Get a room.

As Hope pointed out, the problem is that there is no discussion of what behavior they were engaged in.  In sacrament meeting, I hold my wife's hand.  I put my arm around her shoulders.  At the end of the meeting when she heads off to teach primary, I give her a quick kiss.  Is Elder Perry advising bishops to take a gay couple into his office for having done any of these things?

1 hour ago, hope_for_things said:

What did you think of this section: 

The kind of paranoia shown here definitely shines some light on actions the church took after the supreme court decision.  I'm not completely surprised.  Its funny that he says at first that they shouldn't turn anyone away, but then goes on what i would characterize as a rant about gays and slippery slope fear-mongering.  

I wonder how people would view these comments in contrast with the talk last conference from Elder Uchtdorf about not using fear as a motivating tactic.  

Good point.  His remarks fit well with the handbook additions from Nov 2015.  I guess we can't have happily married gay couples and their families in our midst... we'll be lured into homosexuality.

12 minutes ago, rockpond said:

Good point.  His remarks fit well with the handbook additions from Nov 2015.  I guess we can't have happily married gay couples and their families in our midst... we'll be lured into homosexuality.

Exactly.   His comments never would have made it past the correlation committee, but in a smaller venue in a Q&A session the more honest views are reflected.  Its not totally shocking because most of us have heard similar talk in local wards and stakes.  Of course we can always say that none of these comments reflect the official publicly espoused doctrines of the church, but does that even matter if a large portion of members think like this?  

2 minutes ago, hope_for_things said:

Exactly.   His comments never would have made it past the correlation committee, but in a smaller venue in a Q&A session the more honest views are reflected.  Its not totally shocking because most of us have heard similar talk in local wards and stakes.  Of course we can always say that none of these comments reflect the official publicly espoused doctrines of the church, but does that even matter if a large portion of members think like this?  

Correct... what is pronounced from the Twelve and FP matters but mostly to the degree that it is adopted by local leaders who both counsel and discipline according to their personal beliefs.

1 hour ago, hope_for_things said:

What did you think of this section: 

The kind of paranoia shown here definitely shines some light on actions the church took after the supreme court decision.  I'm not completely surprised.  Its funny that he says at first that they shouldn't turn anyone away, but then goes on what i would characterize as a rant about gays and slippery slope fear-mongering.  

I wonder how people would view these comments in contrast with the talk last conference from Elder Uchtdorf about not using fear as a motivating tactic.  

It is not fear. It is an understanding of cause and effect. Otherwise every prophet warning of calamities if people do not repent is operating off the principle of fear.

2 hours ago, rockpond said:

The latest MormonLeak is a document containing minutes from a 2014 priesthood leadership conference in Layton, UT.


There is a Q&A session in which Elder Perry provides some answers that seem contradictory to the current Church position:  When asked how to deal with a young man or young woman who comes in and says "I think that I'm gay", Elder Perry counsels them to "Give them association with manly things, strong men that represent the ideal of relationships, a man who is vigorous and knows the power he holds." (quoting the document, not Elder Perry)

In a later question about temple recommends he states that he does not believe that gay people are "born with it".  I know that the Church does not take a position on that, I just thought his statement of belief was interesting.

Oh dear.

13 minutes ago, hope_for_things said:

Exactly.   His comments never would have made it past the correlation committee, but in a smaller venue in a Q&A session the more honest views are reflected.  Its not totally shocking because most of us have heard similar talk in local wards and stakes.  Of course we can always say that none of these comments reflect the official publicly espoused doctrines of the church, but does that even matter if a large portion of members think like this?  

I feel sorry for what any gay person endured during it. :(

29 minutes ago, The Nehor said:

Nothing like the sight of oiled sweaty muscled men with the bodies of Greek gods glistening in the sun to turn a guy straight.

If straightness doesn't occur after 6 hours, switch to swashbuckling pirate movies featuring a shirtless Errol Flynn.

6 minutes ago, Gray said:

If straightness doesn't occur after 6 hours, switch to swashbuckling pirate movies featuring a shirtless Errol Flynn.

I prefer twinks personally but this is a decent substitute.

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