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The Mormon Cipher

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Because I took the time to read a few painful pages of misspellings, grammar errors, and incoherence and the pain drove me to unkindness.

Please read the 1830 first ed. you would find it just as painfull I'm sure.  (said smiling)

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Please read the 1830 first ed. you would find it just as painfull I'm sure.  (said smiling)

I have read it. The lack of verses makes it easier to read for me though of course less reference-friendly.

And no, yours is more painful. Sorry.

I would also add that most likely the average reader will find the Book of Mormon more believable. While no one knows much about Lehi and his family or how God communicates they will probably find your bald assertions of experts agreeing with you laughable.

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I dunno. :unknw: I strongly suspect this is the Internet Bulletin Board equivalent of Candid Camera, in which people are placed in absurd situations simply to see how they'll react. If we were to try to take Brother Alvie's work seriously, he might crow elsewhere about how gullible we are. Since most of us are dismissing it as a nonsensical load of bushwah, that probably feeds his persecution complex, and rather than crowing about how gullible we are, he, instead, probably is telling his like-minded acolytes how mean we are.

Edited by Kenngo1969
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I dunno. :unknw: I strongly suspect this is the Internet Bulletin Board equivalent of Candid Camera, in which people are placed in absurd situations simply to see how they'll react. If we were to try to take Brother Alvie's work seriously, he might crow elsewhere about how gullible we are.

You know, that has happened before.

Since most of us are dismissing it as a nonsensical load of bushwah, that probably feeds his persecution complex, and rather than crowing about how gullible we are, he, instead, probably is telling his like-minded acolytes how mean we are.

Funnily enough, that's happened before too.

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I had an Institute instructor back in the day who believed codes could be found in scripture.  In my folly, I decided to call him on it in front of the class (I discovered one of his examples on the internet & came prepared for the next class with a detailed refutation).  It was the last Institute class I would ever take.  My ward bishop took me aside the following Sunday and told me I was no longer welcome in the Institute program.  The instructor alleged I "caused the spirit to leave the room."  Looking back, I find the notion that I have power over God (causing Him to leave a room) even more absurd than the teaching that class was subjected to.  But at the time, I just felt sad.  There were a lot of attractive single women in that class and I was a single guy who had just blown opportunity...




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Those interested in reading the book involving the Translation of the Book of Mormon Caractors Document that I have just completed, I have set up a website where it can be accessed.www.bookofmormoncaractorstranslation.com I will be adding the Table of Contents and Index sometime next week, but the book is complete. If you have any comments or suggestions I would appreciate any feedback. As you read the analysis, you will see the Mesoamerican elements in the document. The electronic version of the book is free, when published the hard copy will be available at cost.

Also on that website is a link for free access to a book I published earlier this year entitled The Geology of the Book of Mormon which has been discussed in this chain.  The Caractors document actually has information that helps identify the location of the Book of Mormon, and the Geology book does the same.  

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Those interested in reading the book involving the Translation of the Book of Mormon Caractors Document that I have just completed, I have set up a website where it can be accessed.www.bookofmormoncaractorstranslation.com I will be adding the Table of Contents and Index sometime next week, but the book is complete. If you have any comments or suggestions I would appreciate any feedback. As you read the analysis, you will see the Mesoamerican elements in the document. The electronic version of the book is free, when published the hard copy will be available at cost.

Also on that website is a link for free access to a book I published earlier this year entitled The Geology of the Book of Mormon which has been discussed in this chain.  The Caractors document actually has information that helps identify the location of the Book of Mormon, and the Geology book does the same.  



My first advise would be to put this in a new thread.  I would not want my material to be associated with the colorful character who created this thread. 

Edited by pogi
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