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Ordain Women Launches New Effort In Push For Mormon Priesthood


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Sounds like common consent 


Common consent is people assenting to the decision of their leaders. Democratic revelation (what we are talking about) is seeking to counsel your God.



Not stupid at all... just a sustaining vote.


A sustaining vote means backing up someone in authority (leader in the Church or ultimately God). What these people want is to propose these ideas as the leader. Big difference.

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Common consent is people assenting to the decision of their leaders. 



Although it's gone out of fashion in the church, there was a time when common consent mean that people didn't automatically agree to anything suggested by leadership. And if they didn't agree, the decision didn't go forward.




Democratic revelation (what we are talking about) is seeking to counsel your God.


I think confusing human leaders (no matter how capable and spiritual) with God can only lead to disappointment. 


We wouldn't have the word of wisdom if lay members never counseled their leaders.

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The civil rights movement, for example, was not based on any one person's revelation. It was a mass movement, and it was inspired. The revelation that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of race or sex or whatever is one of the most important revelations of the last centuries. It didn't come from a single prophet, but from thousands of prophets. 

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