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My Assessment Of The Situation At The Maxwell Institute

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It is always sad when someone builds something needed and successful only to have someone else who lacks vision manage to take control and destroy it by trying to slide their own agenda in on the successes of others. Yes politics where ever it rears its head can be ugly.

All the best to Dan.

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My prayers and best wishes to Professor Peterson and his family. As always, he (and they) will perservere and prevail. I'm quite confident in stating that he can count on my support, and those of his on-line family in any future endeavors.

My prayers and wishes also to the Maxwell Insitute as Gerald Bradford takes a razor to its throat.

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The problem is there is significant overlap; if a topic is used in apologetics, does this mean it will be ignored by MI or will the author have to tiptoe around the apologetic implications...and then there is the funding needed to publish quality books.

And if the trend is not just scholarly publications, but secular scholarly publications.....where are we to do for the indepth faithful scholarly publications that FARMS has given us so much of over and above the apologetics.

Edited by calmoriah
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As an aside (and in case anyone missed it), there are contact numbers for Mr. Bradford (801-422-8619) (bradfordmg@aol.com) and the Institute (801-422-9229) (maxwell_institute@byu.edu).

Perhaps it's just the Browncoat in me, but I will be using these numbers and links to express my disapproval of this decision and the disgraceful fashion in which it was handled (and I encourage others to join me in doing so).

That having been said, to whom else should we make our ire palpable? To whom (within the BYU and Church heirarchy) is the Maxwell Institute responsible?

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Bradford wants to move the Institute in a different direction, focusing on more secular-style studies that will be accessible and acceptable to non-Mormon scholars.

I am assuming that most of the funding for the MI comes from faithful members interested in scholarship by faithful scholars. It has appeared to me to be the primary audience of the MI publications in the past. If so, it seems very strange to turn one's back on one's supporters in order to seek connection with those not providing funding while disregarding those who do.

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Since the situation has been made public by this leak from within the Maxwell Institute itself, I felt that Dan deserved the benefit of a fair public summary of the real situation.

At least Dan now knows who the informant is. On the other board, someone is always posting threads about Dan by using information from a secret informant at MI. At least we now know that this informant had an axe to grind against Dan because of a different vision for the Review.

The bigger question is: has the Review been unended by an informant who was feeding an exmormon board with information about Dan?

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Dan's wisdom and direction for MI are inspired. That makes me wonder where Jerry's ideas are coming from. ;) I would say that I do not and never have minded being a "peculiar people". I believe getting off track to accommodate the secular field is wrong and temporal-minded. You can never go wrong with in-depth reviews of the BOM.

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This is too bad for Dan. However, I'm excited about the new direction the institute will take.I think fair should do the apologetic stuff and the Maxwell institute should focus more on scholarly pursuits.

There is a fine line between apologetics and scholarly pursuits when it comes to a religious publication. Unless the Institute begins to publish articles that are critical of mormonism, the Review will still be an apologetic journal because it only deals with one side. A scholarly journal needs to publish various articles with different slants, including a more critical slant of mormonism. I am not sure if the Review can do this without a major fallout.

The ouster of Dan was personal and not business since I don't believe that the Review can publish articles that are critical of mormonism.

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Dan's wisdom and direction for MI are inspired. That makes me wonder where Jerry's ideas are coming from. ;) I would say that I do not and never have minded being a "peculiar people". I believe getting off track to accommodate the secular field is wrong

If the vision is to include hard-hitting scholarly pieces from scholars who have various interpretations, including a more critical interpretation of mormonism to increase debate and dialogue among scholars and academics who are interested in Mormon Studies, it may work. But it also may not do the lds church any favors since there needs to be an apologetic journal for members to read.

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The bigger question is: has the Review been unended by an informant who was feeding an exmormon board with information about Dan?

Equally of note is that these sorts of inter-office communications (especially regarding matters of employment and employee discipline) are private and confidential.

Whomever leaked them can be jailed and the Maxwell Institute held financially (and perhaps criminally) liable for his perfidy.

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Equally of note is that these sorts of inter-office communications (especially regarding matters of employment and employee discipline) are private and confidential.

Whomever leaked them can be jailed and the Maxwell Institute held financially (and perhaps criminally) liable for his perfidy.

I think that it is interesting that someone's informant would stick his or her neck out like this. Over the years, Dan has been plagued by an informant reporting information to an anon. poster on a more or less exmormon board. Hopefully, Dan now knows who the informant is. And certainly now that Dan is gone, this informant is out of a 'job'.

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Throughout the past two years Bradford has censored several articles that Dan planned to publish, thereby delaying publication of the Review.

One of which was The Interminable Roll - Determining the Original Length of the Scroll of Hor, an important article deriving from comprehensive analysis of the Joseph Smith Papyri, and which contained not a single paragraph that could be construed as "apologetic" in nature.

The biases at work here extended beyond the issue of apologetics to also encompass those determined to be "outsiders" and "non-academics," such as Greg Smith and myself, notwithstanding the fact that the Review and the field of Mormon Studies have been enriched many times in the past two decades by the contributions of non-scholars.

It now remains to be seen where and when these suppressed articles will be published.

Edited by William Schryver
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Could be lucrative if MI accepts Matthew 5:40. Someone who believes in Luke 16:9-11 should try it.


The real question on this issue is whether or not Dan wants to go "nuclear" or not.

The bad behavior that we know about opens the doors to lawsuits over criminal mismanagement, hostile work places, wrongful termination, and others.

With a lawyer even half-awake, Dan could destroy both Bradford and the Institute- but at what cost?

Unless we assume that Bradford has acted unilaterally and exceeded his authority, MI, BYU, and the Church would undoubtedly take up the costs of the defense, diverting resources needed elsewhere to cover Bradford's misdeeds.

Even if he were vindicated, Dan would necessarily be burning a lot of bridges- both between himself and his putative employer and between BYU, MI, and the donors who support them.

Other than Bradford's ego and the enemies of the Church, who wins?

Edited by selek1
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Dr. Hamblin,

Thank you so much for providing some clarity to this awful situation. In my opinion, both you and Dr. Peterson have done exceptionally great work in defending the faith. I am so sorry that this has happened. I can hardly believe how cruel and underhanded this all seems and I'm just disgusted with how Dr. Peterson has been treated. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. I have always been impressed with his scholarly and apologetic work and I hope to see it continue. Dr. Peterson, if you're reading this, I only "discovered" you through the internet a few years ago, but I want to say that you have been a blessing in my life. I mean that sincerely. Thank you for all you have done.

If there is a bright side to all this is that Dan can now spend more time with his wife and family and now that the informant has no more information to inform, he will be left in peace. Dan has given apologetics a bright light which is one reason the exmormons were bullying him.

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The biases at work here extended beyond the issue of apologetics to also encompass those determined to be "outsiders" and "non-academics," such as Greg Smith and myself, notwithstanding the fact that the Review and the field of Mormon Studies have been enriched many times in the past two decades by the contributions of non-scholars.

It now remains to be seen where and when these suppressed articles will be published.

However, Will, you and Greg were both seen to be apologists because you both were posting here defending the lds church. Guilt by association.

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