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Are The Gods Of The Hebrew Bible Real?

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I read the whole thread and I just wanted to comment on this post. Im finding myself leaning to the other side on this one. I think Zerinus brings up some valid points here.

I think the points he brings up merit attention, but I also think he completely ignores numerous critical points of mine that quite undermine his position.

While it is true the final city did not fall and the king of the moabites was not killed. The king did kill the hier to the throne and thus brought an end to his rule and for all intents and purposes signaled a victory for the Israelites.

It killed the first heir, but the text implies he has other sons (it specifies he sacrificed his firstborn), and they would obviously take the place of the oldest on the throne. This isn't really a significant point.

This is echoed in the words... "Should have reign in his stead".

The Hebrew literally reads "and he took his son the firstborn, which will reign instead of him . . ." The tense and mood of the English translation is subjective. Irrespective, the next oldest son would simply take his place.

The purpose was fulffilled so the Israelites went home. Thus the people of the king hated the Israelites for what they had done and had "indignation" towards them, because they had brought an end to the reign of the king and the heir to the throne was dead.

Another heir would already be in line, and even if he ran out of sons, there were numerous provisions for guaranteeing continuity of rule back then. Additionally, within only a few years Moab gained back all the land the Israelites had taken from them under their vassalage.

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