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Does Adam Have a Belly Button?


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Have you ever heard this question in the LDS Church?

I know I have.

I doubt such a question is asked in any other kind of church, but who knows?

Does anybody have an answer they would feel comfortable sharing?

Does anybody have an insight into why this question gets asked in the first place?

All the Best!



I think it's the implication behind the question that people really want answered.

Was Adam made out of the dust, or did he grow in a womb connected to a mother? That's what i hear when people ask that question.

As to the answer-it probably depends on who you ask.


Does anybody have an insight into why this question gets asked in the first place?

Belly button implies umbilical cord, implies womb, implies mother.

No belly button implies different form of physical creation, especially if Adam was formed out of dust (molded like a clay pot).

And no we are not the only church that has these types of discussions, I suspect it is talked about even more in others:



If the evolutionists are correct that Adam was just some souped-up Neanderthal Monkey-Man, he would have to have one.


Have you ever heard this question in the LDS Church?

I know I have.

I doubt such a question is asked in any other kind of church, but who knows?

Does anybody have an answer they would feel comfortable sharing?

Does anybody have an insight into why this question gets asked in the first place?

All the Best!


I have another question: If Adam had a belly button, would that necessarily mean that he was born of a woman? Could God have a motive for wanting to manufacture him out of a lump of clay with a belly button already in place?


I have another question: If Adam had a belly button, would that necessarily mean that he was born of a woman? Could God have a motive for wanting to manufacture him out of a lump of clay with a belly button already in place?

It would probably the same motive he would have to cause a global flood and erase all evidence of it.


I have another question: If Adam had a belly button, would that necessarily mean that he was born of a woman? Could God have a motive for wanting to manufacture him out of a lump of clay with a belly button already in place?

I believe the Bible Answer man is of the opinion that Adam had a belly button so he would not feel like he didn't belong with the rest of humanity (it was in one of the links I looked at).

I believe the Bible Answer man is of the opinion that Adam had a belly button so he would not feel like he didn't belong with the rest of humanity (it was in one of the links I looked at).

I think that is a good possible motive, so that he wouldn't think of himself as a freak compared to the rest of his posterity!


And no we are not the only church that has these types of discussions, I suspect it is talked about even more in others:


That is interesting, and thanks for the link, Cal.

I guess maybe other churches are coming at it from the view of whether biological evolution is true.

I think when Mormons ask that question, they may have something else in mind.

All the Best!



I have another question: If Adam had a belly button, would that necessarily mean that he was born of a woman? Could God have a motive for wanting to manufacture him out of a lump of clay with a belly button already in place?

I honestly have no idea what you are talking about.

God put a cosmetic belly button on Adam when he greated him, Golem-like, from the ground?

And the point would be what, I am wondering . . .

All the Best!



I believe the Bible Answer man is of the opinion that Adam had a belly button so he would not feel like he didn't belong with the rest of humanity (it was in one of the links I looked at).

Imagine Adam's complex if he had an "outie."


I honestly have no idea what you are talking about.

God put a cosmetic belly button on Adam when he greated him, Golem-like, from the ground?

And the point would be what, I am wondering . . .

All the Best!


Another possibility:

If God manufactured Adam without the process of natural birth, what other process might He have used? I think we are making too many assumptions if we think we know what process God might have used. He might have used a purpose built "incubator" for example which would have in many ways behaved like a womb. Have you seen those SiFi movies where they clone people in special incubators? Well, God might have used some similar device to create Adam. Just because the Bible says "out of the dust of the earth," that does not mean that the only possible way that could happen is to make a figurine out of mud, and wave a magic wand over it. "Out of the dust of the earth" means out of the elements of this material world


Does anybody have an insight into why this question gets asked in the first place?

because they don't know what the coat of skins looked like.


because they don't know what the coat of skins looked like.

Or what animals had to die to provide it?

I think the reason it is asked in the LDS Church is to distinguish those who believe Adam was born the same as any other person from those who take a more literal approach to the Genesis creation account.

And probably the question is asked more by those who believe the former than the latter.

All the Best!



I think the reason it is asked in the LDS Church is to distinguish those who believe Adam was born the same as any other person from those who take a more literal approach to the Genesis creation account.

Knowing the appearance of the coat answers this for them.


Have you ever heard this question in the LDS Church?

I know I have.

I doubt such a question is asked in any other kind of church, but who knows?

Does anybody have an answer they would feel comfortable sharing?

Does anybody have an insight into why this question gets asked in the first place?

All the Best!


It has been a long time but if I remember correctly that when we used to shower at the gym after a workout, he did. :P


Logic assumes that Adam did indeed have a belly button. Adam was made in Gods image and we are made in Adam's image. Thus- we have the same image as Adam and we have a belly button. Adam is in the image of God and so- God also has a belly button.

As for being made of the dust of the earth, every soul born on this planet is made of the dust of the earth- you and I alike.-

25 And now I ask, can ye say aught of yourselves? I answer you, Nay. Ye cannot say that ye are even as much as the dust of the earth; yet ye were created of the dust of the earth; but behold, it belongeth to him who created you.

26 And I, even I, whom ye call your king, am no better than ye yourselves are; for I am also of the dust. And ye behold that I am old, and am about to yield up this mortal frame to its mother earth.

(Book of Mormon | Mosiah 2:25 - 26)

Does Adam Have a Belly Button?

Yes he does. Adam's physical body, a product of evolution, was born to preAdamite homo sapiens parents.


Does anybody have an insight into why this question gets asked in the first place?

I heard that this question was first thought of by a Christian minister for the purpose of explaining why the earth appears to be old. He proposed that Adam did have a belly button because Adam was made to look old. He then suggested that the earth was made to look old as well. Even though it wasn't.


Yes he does. Adam's physical body, a product of evolution, was born to preAdamite homo sapiens parents.

If that is what happened, what happened to all of Adam's cousins (all the other homo sapiens). Did they get wiped out making Adam the common ancestor of all humans afterwords?

Yes he does. Adam's physical body, a product of evolution, was born to preAdamite homo sapiens parents.
If that is what happened, what happened to all of Adam's cousins (all the other homo sapiens). Did they get wiped out making Adam the common ancestor of all humans afterwords?

Sure. Or perhaps Adam's children interbred with them after the fall, the resulting progeny's spirits being literal spirit children of God and that would dovetail more with scientific thinking that modern homo sapiens sprang from different sets of parents; Adam being the first man with a spirit like ours. Or any other myriad possibilities you can think of that don't conflict with LDS doctrine or science.


As a spirit being in the pre-existance Adam was known as Michael, the Archangel. The scriptures tell us that God made his body from dust of this earth(Morm. 9: 17, D&C 77: 12, Moses 3: 7), and placed Adam in the Garden as an immortal being with flesh and bone (no blood). Because he was immortal and without blood he could not have come by way of any type of evolution from a lower form of animal, as some might want to believe. So if you take the scriptures literally and God actually formed Adam out of dust, he had no biological parents and therefore would not have needed an umbilical cord, therefore no bellybutton.

However, the book of Moses states that Adam's children were also created from the dust of the earth (see Moses 6:59). The same expression used to describe the bodily creation of Adam's children was used to describe the creation of Adam's body. Does this not suggest the same natural process was used? Adam is also spoken of as being the "son of God" (Moses 6:22). So is it possible that Adam's immortal body was formed by immortal heavenly parents in a similar fashion that Adam and Eve created their own children? If this is true then perhaps Adam did have an umbilical cord atttached to a heavenly mother and therefore did have a bellybutton. We are told Eve was created from one of Adam's ribs. Perhaps a more interesting question would be "Did Eve have a bellybutton?"


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