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Adam's Rib:

David Bokovoy

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The fact that human procreation was what is being proposed as the creative process of Eve's creation, the phallus being a symbol of that, rather than the conventional "rib."

And rather than being "Adam's" rib, this actually shows a duality of persons involved here, where it is the rib of her Father rather than the rib of her husband that is being referred to.

What does this have to do with the proposed baculumectomy?

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The fact that human procreation was what is being proposed as the creative process of Eve's creation, the phallus being a symbol of that, rather than the conventional "rib."

And rather than being "Adam's" rib, this actually shows a duality of persons involved here, where it is the rib of her Father rather than the rib of her husband that is being referred to.

This is getting worse!

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Why? Explain clearly why.

I can't. That's the problem. I'm still not grasping this.

But I'll give it a shot.

So, instead of a rib taken from Adam's side, it is now a penile bone. This is used (somehow?) in the creation of Eve. Only come to find, not only is it not Adam's bone (her counterpart), but it is her own father's bone.

Now color me a prude, but this is getting dicey. :P

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Forget the symbolic part. We are talking about sex, two married people having sex who were the parents of Adam and Eve. Where is the shocker?

I can't. That's the problem. I'm still not grasping this.

But I'll give it a shot.

So, instead of a rib taken from Adam's side, it is now a penile bone. This is used (somehow?) in the creation of Eve. Only come to find, not only is it not Adam's bone (her counterpart), but it is her own father's bone.

Now color me a prude, but this is getting dicey. :P

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This is getting worse!

LOL! I hear ya, but...

Look at it this way. If we take the story of the gods who have sexual relations with moral women in Genesis 6, we could easily dismiss the account as uninspired Israelite folklore. Instead, I would suggest that we recognize that the narrative is indeed an Israelite myth, but consider the implications of this story for ancient Israelite conceptions. The myth reveals that ancient Israelites believed that Gods and humans derive from the same species (after all, they're able to produce offspring), and that sexuality is an attribute linked with divinity.

This reflects the ancient Near Eastern conception that the divine council is fundamentally a familial based assembly under the direction of a High, and by extension, Father God who administers over his offspring.

These views present some fascinating connections with religious conceptions featured in the Restoration.

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I would ask posters in this thread to remain careful in the manner they discuss these issues, for we're dealing with a topic that for Latter-day Saints is extremely sacred:

Is that my cue to post some temple content?


Hey, Walker! I just tried to PM you and it said you can't receive any new messages, man.

I thought for a minute you were banned.

All the Best!


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David, its definitely a difficult balance when you have to juggle being careful and delicate, but also you need to somehow convey your meaning so you don't get misunderstood.


I would ask posters in this thread to remain careful in the manner they discuss these issues, for we're dealing with a topic that for Latter-day Saints is extremely sacred:

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I would ask posters in this thread to remain careful in the manner they discuss these issues, for we're dealing with a topic that for Latter-day Saints is extremely sacred:

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You must be one popular dude.

Dang. If he I like him and YOU like him too- holy cow- what is this guy?

Some kind of scholar-saint-dude?

We should unite and start his campaign for prophethood! :P

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Dang. If he I like him and YOU like him too- holy cow- what is this guy?

Some kind of scholar-saint-dude?

We should unite and start his campaign for prophethood! :P

I wouldn't be sustained. Consig already made it clear that I'm destined for eternal banishment.

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I wouldn't be sustained. Consig already made it clear that I'm destined for eternal banishment.

So much for my conciliatory- I mean consigliatory- bid for bi-partisanship! :P

Besides, my arms are too short to reach across the aisle!

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In their article, Gilbert and Zevit theorized that the abstraction of the man

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