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Best Source for KEP Images?


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Hi All!

I am looking for printable images from the KEP, particularly from the bound Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language, and especially from the first few pages of the "fifth degree" at the beginning of the volume. The images don't need to be great, but it would be great if they were legible! I seem to recall a useful place for these online but can't find anything like it now.

I'm going to be giving a small presentation tomorrow to a few other LDS historians and these images would really help! I'm scrambling to find and print images in anticipation of that now.


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Hi All!

I am looking for printable images from the KEP, particularly from the bound Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language, and especially from the first few pages of the "fifth degree" at the beginning of the volume. The images don't need to be great, but it would be great if they were legible! I seem to recall a useful place for these online but can't find anything like it now.

I'm going to be giving a small presentation tomorrow to a few other LDS historians and these images would really help! I'm scrambling to find and print images in anticipation of that now.


Do you need something better than the microfilm?

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I'm looking for the best I can get! In either case, I don't have even the microfilm images presently available. (I just moved.) If I could get those, that would be great. If I could get something better, that would be wonderful. I really probably need just one page. E-mail me if you have access to anything great...!


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