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Christ Was A Man And Became A God?


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You are still not making sense ... Verse 6 rephrases the monotheistic confession of v 4 in such a way as to contrast it with polytheism (1 Cor 8:5) and to express our relationship with the one God.

That is your interpretation. That is not what is says. I have quoted Paul's words to you twice. He says there are "Gods many, and lords many, 6 but to us there is but one God, the Father, . . ." (1 Cor 8:5-6)

Genesis 2:7 is not describing a mother eating food made from the dust of the earth.

I didn't say it did. I said that Jeremiah and Adam were "formed" in exactly the same way as all men are formed. God uses the exact same word to describe how they each were formed. That means they both were begotten by their fathers and born of their mothers. If you want to think there is some other way in which men can be created, that is your choice. But remember, Adam was not a brick. He was a human being, formed just like all other human beings. We are his descendants and were created in the same way he was.

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That is your interpretation. That is not what is says.

That is the interpretation that is found in the NAB Bible (see link below):

1Cor 8:4-6


I said that Jeremiah and Adam were "formed" in exactly the same way as all men are formed.

Again I would differ ... I have enjoyed exchanging ideas and interpretations with you ... take care!

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