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  1. Looks like the perpetrator was convicted and sentenced several years ago. https://gazettetimes.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/albany-man-sentenced-to-33-years-in-prison-for-sex-crimes/article_23ca3f16-b585-56a8-9a90-dcd77ff2953b.html So maybe he said something in prison that triggered this new lawsuit?
  2. Thanks for finding that old comment of mine. That is the deposition I'm thinking of. I must have deleted my copy. To repeat it, the children's attorney said: So Brother Fife was at the disciplinary council and yet didn't know about any child abuse.
  3. That's from the visiting teacher. There was another deposition from, I think, the ward secretary. He was at the disciplinary council and so would have had first hand knowledge of what was spoken there. I can't find my copy of it, though. The children's attorney wanted him to testify what actually happened at the disciplinary council and the church's attorney kept objecting. But one of the questions that did get answered was when he first heard of the child abuse and he said that it was after Adams was arrested.
  4. I went through the old handbooks to see when this policy went in place. The first instance I found was actually in the 1960 handbook. It says: So, the 1 year wait only affects those who can get sealed in the temple but refuse it. The 1963 handbook is similar. The 1968 handbook is when the rule affects all civil marriages: And, interestingly, the 1976 handbook is even stricter: So, if you get civilly married, you can't do any temple ordinances except baptisms and confirmations. No washings, annointings, or sealings for the dead.
  5. If anyone is curious, the link to view the appeal for the first bishop can be seen at https://youtube.com/live/b_b09oIcZ7s. It will be available on the 12th. The link to view the appeal for the church can be seen at https://youtube.com/live/EMfe_EpkKhQ. It will be available on the 25th. https://www.appeals2.az.gov/ODSPlus/OACalendar.cfm is where the links come from.
  6. I think this line is interesting: It is hiding a little detail where one of the members who participated in the disciplinary action testified in their disposition that they didn't know of any child abuse until after Adam's arrest. The children's attorney was shocked by that and couldn't believe it. We don't know what was talked about in the disciplinary action, but unless the guy lied, it had nothing to do with the child abuse.
  7. He didn't confess the abuse of the infant to the bishop. He had been excommunicated by the time she was born. He confessed that to the police after they arrested him. I think the article is trying to say that after he was arrested, he then admitted the abuse to the infant, but it could definitely be misread.
  8. sodomy in Utah includes oral contact as well - https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title76/Chapter5/76-5-S403.html
  9. It is possible that the three charges are three different events. As you mentioned, each charge starts with "on or about May 23, 2006 through May 22, 2007 in Salt Lake County, the defendant did...". She might only remember how old she was or what school year she was in.
  10. For one-on-one meetings, it seems odd to me. Except for the years that my dad was the bishop, I only met with the bishop one-on-one during the semi-yearly interviews. My son is currently in a quorum presidency and they are trying to have the presidency meeting every week and I find that odd. If my daughter or son said that the bishop wanted to meet with them weekly on a one-on-one basis, I'd say no to it.
  11. I tracked down the original location where this text is. It is in Grotius' Annotationes in Novum Testamentum, Volume 8. I found it at https://archive.org/details/hugonisgrotiian06grotgoog/page/n231/mode/2up. Page 227 of that book, where he is talking about verse 14 (that's what the "v. 14" means) of the Epistle of Jude. There is more there than what Fabricius wrote but it has some Greek in it so I'm not sure how to transcribe it or translate it.
  12. I think the article is getting it from https://mckinneytexastemple.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Member-Fact-Sheet-v2.pdf which says "The temple site in Fairview along Stacy Rd., is known as “church row,” and will have four houses of worship." And I think the 4 houses of worship mentioned there are talking about the future 4 church buildings (since it says "will"). Where the temple is going, there are already two church buildings to the west and another one is planned to be built in the lot directly east of the temple. So, once the temple and the other church is built, there will be 4 in a row.
  13. Looks like the commentary from Grotius is around 200. It is in the section LXIII which is right after Fabricius finished printing out the Book of the Watchers in both Greek and Latin (you can see the side-by-side ended around page 199). The commentary from Grotius has the heading "Hugo Grotius ad Epistolam Fude v, 14," which looks like that translates to "Hugo Grotius on the Epistle of Jude" (per Google translate). The header for section LXIII says "Recentium virorum doétorum quaedam de libro Henochi & testimonio S Jude Apostoli judicia" which translates to "Some judgments of recent men of learning concerning the book of Enoch and the testimony of St. Jude the Apostle". A really rough transcription of what is under the heading for Grotius is: And using Google translate, I get: I'm not sure if I transcribed it correctly but the last sentence in Latin and the last sentence in English look to be fairly correct. So it seems like Grotius thinks it was added to over the years.
  14. My bad. Here's the link https://assets.ldscdn.org/26/70/267083bef66111eb8a55eeeeac1e59f35b2dca6f/area_leadership_chart_updated_annually.pdf
  15. The members in my area would now about the Area Presidencies. We have videos from them that are shown in regular church meetings (such as 5th Sunday). I don't know how common that is but it is interesting to hear from them.
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