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Seriously No Politics Γ—


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Everything posted by blackstrap

  1. It's almost as if corruption breeds corruption. IIRC there was recently a scandal involving a UN agency and corruption , hmmm
  2. One bottleneck is that in some countries the hunger comes because of internal conflict where armed groups will not allow humanitarian aid in to possibly feed opponents. In other places food aid will rot on the docks for lack of ability to distribute it. Throwing money at the problem will just increase corruption and have unintended consequences.
  3. At least you have not caught a Bishop wandering the Adult section of the old video store... neither have I, cough , cough.
  4. There is a trend for fewer men and women to want to get married . I suspect this is also happening in the Church. This will affect Church demographics long term.
  5. My companion and I attended a Consolate Christmas party and when it came to drinks we chose juice. During the evening a photographer took a picture of us with the VIPs there. It was in a major newspaper the next day with our " Elder X and Elder Y " names holding our glasses like everyone else. I could feel the Mission President's side eye.
  6. Now the Godwin's law (sp?) has been invoked , it should be noted that at least Hitler made the trains run on time ... and he loved his dog ! πŸ˜’
  7. I have a great deal of sympathy for Emma. Her trials were rough and included the loss of children and homes as well as Joseph. I do not fault her for trying to stabilize her life as best she could.
  8. I await the lawsuits from folks who don't want resources spent on non money making items. πŸ‘Ώ
  9. We can blame the law of entropy , Calm. Order tends to disorder over time. That is my bone of contention with evolution. Mutations very, very rarely make things better.
  10. Some of us will spend at least the first while unlearning what we were absolutely sure about here.
  11. Was that the band's name ? Sounds a bit like Woodstock. 😁
  12. Makes one wonder what was going on in the groves and on the alters to get God so upset. On a side note, if there is one thing that I have learned about the scriptures from biblical scholars, it is that whoever the title says wrote the book, obviously did not and it is unclear who did. πŸ™ƒ
  13. I just clicked on it and it came up. The article says they look for clothing that can easily be pulled or cut off. I only clicked on the first part ,not the genius part.
  14. I looked up about how victims are chosen. Here is just one of several articles. How a woman dresses is one factor but not for the reason I thought. How Do Rapists Choose Their Victims? | Geniusbeauty Some of the suggestions of how to protect yourself are problematic from my knowledge of self defense.
  15. I suspect that in a congregation there are multiple cell phones capable of recording any sermon that is " off the wall " and then posting it to the world. That said, if I were in the congregation during this moronic sermon I would hope that I would stand and shout , " Are you nuts ? ! "
  16. One swallow does not a summer make. Show me a dozen more pastors saying the same nonsense and I will agree with your statement, but the reason this is a headline is that it is so unusual. It is my understanding that rape is a crime of opportunity and is a power thing not a sex thing.
  17. When I see a group of Hell's Angels riding down the street, I can see how "skins of blackness " can be both literal and metaphorical. Mind you some of them are actually just big soft teddy bears ,right?
  18. One would hope that the Church is heavily invested in toilet paper manufacturing. πŸ€‘
  19. How many beavers had to die to get all this Castor oil ?πŸ₯΄ ( yes , I know it is made from a bean ) It raises red flags to me when a substance is said to help a dozen different ailments. Many years ago there was an oil made from snakes IIRC...
  20. I must remind myself that even seeing an angel does not preclude having one's testimony severely challenged .
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