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Posts posted by blackstrap

  1. Just heard a rumor that Salt Lake will be transfering authority for choosing bishops, ward boundaries, etc. in Canada to  headquarters in Toronto Canada. I checked the Newsroom and could not find anything related. Is this a trend world wide ? Anyone else know about this ? Am I that far out of the loop ?

  2. When the Lord told Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of knowledge or " in the day thou eatest thereof ye shall surely die " (paraphrasing ) did He lie ? Well, Adam lived less than 1000 years which is a day to God , so not really a lie. ( yes , Adam did suffer a spiritual death quickly after he ate )  Modern scripture says the Lord is coming " soon " . In the early days of the church the members were excited and ready for the return ,hoping that it would happen in their lifetime. God could actually say to the prophet that He will return  ' tomorrow ' and not show up for 800 more of our years. His ' soon ' is not necessarily our ' soon ' . 

  3. " to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection " implies what ? That there is an afternoon and evening of the first resurrection, and that there may be several events called the resurrection which may take place over years/decades/millenia. Personally , I think all who have experienced mortality will eventually resurrect but only after they have repented and been judged. Mind you, I have been wrong before. Once when I thought I was wrong and I wasn't. 

  4. Every Mormon believes in at least one Ghost. 

    The scriptures are clear that spirits, good and evil , exist and can interact with the mortal plane . 

    The D&C even gives tests to tell the difference between types. If one were to poll members  outside of the west , it might show quite a different result for beliefs in spirits. 

  5. I may have said this before, but I wonder if the Church would still be practicing plural marriage if the culture in the US had been more like some areas of the Middle East and Africa today.  

    The FLDS have shown that , over time, the flaws appear when practiced in a relatively closed society. Mind you, China's ' one child 'rule demonstrates what happens when policy tries to override nature. 

  6. One does not have to go to polygamy to be told that one should follow the command of God even if one is told to do something that really goes against one's moral beliefs. The story of Nephi and Laban in the first chapters of the BoM brings that message clearly. IIRC Hugh Nibley tells the story of one of his foreign students ( Arab I think ) asking why Nephi even hesitated to kill Laban. In his culture , the action would have been seen as not only acceptable but required .

  7. Just reading Turley et al ' s book. Makes me sad , really sad , as I read the list of names of those killed and how many were under 16 at the time. The book does do a good job in laying out the historical and societal background around the massacre and all the actual conspiracies between the militia / Mormon leaders and the natives. 

    I don't hold out much hope that the movie will get much accurate as they rarely do. It would take a 12 part series with 90 minute episodes to even come close.

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