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Everything posted by poptart

  1. Nursing has been interesting and rewarding, have a long ways to go yet. With the layoffs I'm hearing about I'm most grateful for what I have. I've had the chance to meet some very neat people as a nurse, a few who did medical missions. When you step back and see how scarce people like that are anymore, it makes you appreciate the good so many used to do in quiet. Interesting times ahead.... Take care.
  2. Good to hear, some hospitals are fantastic, others? Not so much. With the low staffing and everything else healthcare period is rough now, there are nurses sleeping in their cars in some places. I knew one agency nurse doing vanlife. Even med school students are having second thoughts. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4283643-1-in-4-us-medical-students-consider-quitting-most-dont-plan-to-treat-patients-report/ Appreciate it, I have a long road ahead of me. Are you in the W.Coast? If so you're set. CA has some of the best healthcare in the USA, the nurse/patient radio laws are a lifesaver. We really need those passed nationwide.
  3. Been gone for a while, working as an LPN and working on RN pre-reqs. I have hardly any free time and am so careful about the media I let myself consume, I practice self care as much as I can. Saw a few threads here, besides the civility it's touching to see how you guys would help a stranger. In today's culture it is so easy to just write off/cancel someone different while totally missing the good they do. Getting to work around sickness and at times death as often as I do now, it's really made me appreciate what good people are still out there. Seeing a small, old school forum like this is such a blessing, I can't begin to say how much I appreciate seeing a group of people being this civil to those inside and out of their religious/cultural bubble. I hope this place stays that way, you guys are amazing.
  4. Busy with work and pre-reqs for my RN. I'm an LPN now with no free time lol. You know, with all the crazy out there this board is a real gem, just scrolling through this place. It's awesome everyone is still civil, hope it stays that way.
  5. There's a thread for movies, how about one for music? Here's one song i'm listening to over and over again.
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