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  1. Yes, it is. Apart from that, I'll leave you with final words as to political issues. Actually an existing government agency U.S. Digital Service (instituted by Obama and hereinafter “legacy USDS”) was renamed to DOGE. All its funding and mechanism and staffing is being used LEGALLY. See https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IN/IN12493
  2. You make it sound like its a one night invitation. He is offering full scale, subsidized community development in a peaceful area. Disjointed much?
  3. What is YOUR solution? Israel literally pulled their citizens OUT of Gaza and gave the WHOLE strip to the Palestinians with full autonomy and self rule. They even gifted the productive greenhouses and wonderfully developed properties and infrastructure. Strangely the Palestinians trashed all of that and started building secret tunnels with the intent to launch terrorist attacks. There is NO Palestine. This word was just a play on the name Philistines used by the Roman Empire to rub the Jews' face in it. Today it is just mostly migrant Arabs from Egypt and other areas. They are dregs of the failed Ottoman Empire. Even Yasser Arafat (PLO terrorist) was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1926 (well before the 1948 establishment of the state of Israel). He falsely claimed to be Palestinian. There are reports that he was trained by the Russian KGB. When Hamas was elected by Gazans, they imposed indoctrination on all children to learn to be terrorists and to advocate for genocide and to hunt Jews the world over. It was NOT just "from the river (Jordan) to the sea (Mediterranean)" but to completely annihilate ALL Jews. Gazans have a SERIOUS problem. Egypt do NOT want them. Saudi Arabia says NO. The Kingdom of Jordan was forced into a civil war with the so-called "Palestinians" that resulted in the death of 30,000 of them. Kuwait also had to deal forcefully with them. Lebanon used to be an egalitarian country before it was ruined by its "Palestinian" residents. Gaza is a total disaster that was self-inflicted. It is an unlivable war zone. Hamas remain extremely determined to commit Jihad against Israel and to murder ALL Jews. Oslo Accords did NOTHING because the so-called "two state" solution was NOT what they wanted. They wanted genocide. Trump stunned the world by offering resettlement for Gazans with full amenities and housing. But it will have to be outside the Middle East. There is NO placating Hamas. It is going to take a LONG time to de-toxify the war zone and redevelop.
  4. The leadership has more individual wisdom in the tip of their little fingers than you have in your whole body. Having great familiarity with the "Big Picture" is something the young whippersnappers don't have. Even if they were to scour history textbooks, there is NO substitute for profound personal experiences.
  5. Would it be useful to track the age of apostles who were martyred and/or the age for excommunication? The number as well as the averages.
  6. You might have a point only IF the national debt was not so crushingly huge. Politicians have rationalized the debt by always kicking the can down the road. BUT we can NOT continue this insanity. Servicing the debt will soon become the largest budget nightmare. Argentina's inflation rate peaked near 300% in April 2023, making it one of the highest in the world. Printing money out of thin air is BAD policy. It leads to massive inflation. A major reason why the people voted for libertarian President Javier Milei. He is making hopeful gains by grabbing the bull by the horns and bringing everything under control. America demands accountability. We are shining blazing sunlight into every dank recesses of the Deep State.
  7. How far are the four churches set back from Stacy Rd.? Will the temple be set further back than the other three? Does not the community care that the temple will have beautiful landscaping that will almost conceal cars/parking lot?
  8. This smacks (pun intended) of a massive money-laundering racket. Everyone is fully aware of how humongous caravans were organized and conveyed thru the Darien Gap (see description below). This had to be heavily funded. Mexico had minimal problems accommodating them as they traveled to the Rio Grande. It appears the cartels were willing accomplices. Maybe they benefitted by being able to insert their drug mules into the caravans. Even to add "unaccompanied" child sex slaves. They did not need to pay "coyotes" that formerly were needed to make a stealth entry. Then they were escorted by CBP agents (see second desc below) to waiting luxury busses. At no point did the invaders lack for food and water and tents/shelters. The busses were sent to all states and most cities. The game of pin-ball ricochet ensued by various municipalities desperately trying to off-load their burdens. The most hilarious example being the super wealthy Martha's Vineyard's refusal to give accommodations to caravan busses. Even though they had designated themselves to be a sanctuary city. It seems McGuire is being intentionally dense by claiming the border is "closed." Texas tried several times to impede the invaders but CBP agents interfered by removing razor wires and pontoons away from the Rio Grande. CBP was "radically" repurposed from border interdiction to facilitating the in-flow. So instead of the border being "closed" it has been a deluge of unwanted welfare grifts. What is the Darién Gap? A 60-mile stretch of rainforest that crosses the border of Colombia and Panama The only land bridge between the two continents Part of the Pan-American Highway, a network of roads that runs from Alaska to Argentina A region of dense rainforest, mountains, swamps, and rivers Known for being inhospitable, dangerous, and difficult to navigate CBP, which stands for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, plays a crucial role in border security by managing and controlling the nation's borders, including preventing illegal entry of people and contraband, safeguarding against potential threats like terrorism, and facilitating lawful international travel and trade at ports of entry, all while upholding customs and immigration laws; essentially acting as the first line of defense at the US borders. Key aspects of CBP's border security role: Apprehending illegal entrants: CBP officers and agents are responsible for identifying and detaining individuals attempting to enter the US illegally. Drug and contraband interception: They work to detect and seize illegal drugs, weapons, and other contraband being smuggled across the border. Agricultural protection: CBP also monitors for potential agricultural threats like pests and diseases entering the country through imported goods. Port of entry inspections: At airports, seaports, and land crossings, CBP officers inspect travelers and cargo to ensure compliance with customs regulations. Border Patrol operations: CBP's Border Patrol agents patrol areas between ports of entry to prevent illegal crossings and apprehend individuals attempting to enter the country illegally. Air and Marine Operations: CBP utilizes aircraft and marine vessels to monitor and patrol remote areas of the border. It's mission was radically changed in 2021 to fully accommodate the illegal invasion. This despite laws on the books that were intended to secure the border.
  9. Is that the only metric? What about legally required reserves? How is that calculated? Would it be based on the probability of the number of claims being made in a year? Of course it is intermingled. Same thing for Ensign Peak Advisors. After the Church makes full use of the year's tithing proceeds, there usually some tithing left over that is wisely invested for a "rainy day." There have been many times when the Church was in debt due to adverse swings in the economy. The total funds managed by EPA represents a RESERVE for the Church. A part which is invested in "for profit businesses" that will provide better returns. Which was sufficient to support the City Creek Project. The reserve needs to grow larger because the Lord is hastening His Work and it is prophesied that more severe challenges will come to the world in coming years.
  10. What do you think of Eufy doorcams? It does not require subscriptions. My son had to upgrade my doorbell transformer in order to hard wire the cam. It does run on my wifi. I also have a wireless ringer plugged into an outlet.
  11. Not quite sure what you mean by "monopolized." Rush Limbaugh's radio program was first nationally syndicated in 1988 which broke the stranglehold of the dominant media. In the last several years we are seeing an explosion of popular podcasters such as Joe Rogan and others.
  12. There is this "Damned if you DO" and "Damned if you DON'T" aspect. Budde is damning Trump for prioritizing upholding the LAWS that are actually on the books for controlling the borders which Biden surreptitiously and forcefully suppressed for the last 4 years. We already have a process for LEGAL immigration which is orderly and compassionate that carefully avoids dumping masses on urban centers. In sanctuary cities, legal citizens and veterans that are on welfare or receiving some form of aid have been denied their support. Funding for normal government programs have been seriously disrupted by diversion to the "Huddled Masses." Budde fully understands the consequences of soft-pedalling (or bypassing) the vetting process. Even for suspected terrorists originating from the Middle East. And convicts and gang-bangers that have been released wholesale from South American prisons. Did Budde choose to avert her eyes from the large scale human trafficking racket? Has she any concerns about the overwhelming deluge of fentanyl being pushed through by the Mexican Cartels? Budde could have been charitable to Trump by acknowledging the sufferings of migrants being sold into sexual slavery, of children being sent unaccompanied into the wilderness, of some people being forced to be drug-carrying mules, and on and on. But no, she chose to agitate for the "hard-line radicals" and making herself very one-sided. What she did was unfair and antagonistic. Very inappropriate in a prayer meeting. Too bad Dan McClellan chose to NOT consider BOTH sides of the issue.
  13. Yes, it is surprising. Our discussion began way back on page one of this thread. It did veer off on a tangent. We were contrasting the backgrounds of Shapiro and Budde. Which were more likely to be "Machiavellian."
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