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About MorningStar

  • Birthday 02/28/1975

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    Singing, playing the piano, cooking, speaking German (although not as well as I used to), making new friends, drinking battery acid, seeing if anyone actually reads my profile ... :-D

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  1. That's an extremely common scam. Jerks! They can spoof numbers and make it look like the police are calling or anyone. If you have any questions, you can call the number on your Medicare or Medicaid and ask them yourself, but I can assure you, they are not sending out new cards. Stupid scammers have been telling me that for like 9 years.
  2. Sad! His question was totally innocent as he was clearly clueless about girl stuff. The girls were probably already embarrassed about it being obvious they were on their periods. If a grown man were to dance with my daughter, it would have to be with my permission in advance for an approved activity. Not some random chaperone deciding he's going to dance with my daughter instead of watching the kids like he's supposed to. I can never forget that predators will look for every opportunity to get close to kids. Not that every man who gets close to kids is a predator. Not saying that at all. I can't wait to live in a world where we can trust everyone.
  3. I'll be careful. She told my friend because she's in the stake YW presidency and maybe there have been other complaints. This is the first time my daughter has ever called something out like this and it's really weighing on her. Watching her friends dance with this man made her feel like, "Can't you all see what he's doing?" I'll be volunteering to chaperone at the next one for sure so I can observe myself.
  4. Thank you! I will definitely be talking to friends in his ward. Never met him.
  5. Just focusing on the girls. This was for our daughter’s youth conference and the visiting church leader was making the boys ask the girls to dance, so no problem with wall flowers. The man’s son creeps my daughter out and she said, “Now I know why he’s creepy. His dad is creepy.” My daughter and her friend were so uncomfortable, they were chaperoning the chaperone and they refused to leave until he left. He was offering rides afterwards and one teenage girl got in the car with him and his son. My daughter was so bothered, she texted me while I was out and asked when I was coming home. She then told my friend who was just called to the stake YW presidency and she wasn’t happy to hear about his behavior and said she would talk to the stake about it. My daughter also said that when swing dance was taught at FSY, two adults demonstrated with each other and they did not dance with kids. Yes, this man is married with kids. I don’t know if his wife was there, but if she was, creeps will do things in plain sight. I think more than anything, the Spirit was telling my daughter that something’s wrong.
  6. Hypothetically speaking, let’s say a 40 something year old man volunteers to chaperone a church dance and instead of chaperoning, he dances with teenage girls because he’s teaching them how to swing dance. Do you consider this a red flag?
  7. Thank you for the update, Dusty! I'm so sad to hear she's suffering from dementia. I love her.
  8. I think about her often. Wonderful, supportive lady! I got to meet her at the temple years ago and we talked on the phone several times.
  9. Good to see you! So sorry to hear about your divorce.
  10. That's what I think. My friend is very easy to read - very high anxiety. I swear if I witness it happening, I'm going to say it for her.
  11. I thought our ward pedophile was done coming to church, but he's back now that we have a later time slot. He's not on the registry anymore and the state doesn't restrict him from doing anything, but couldn't church leaders tell him not to ask ward members about their children? He thinks he's buddies with one of my friends and it just happened again - asking about her kids and their ages. We can still pull up news articles about his arrest, so knowledge about what he did is never going away. Also, his ex DIL told me it never came out that he abused his own children. We're so focused on being peacemakers while guys like him get away with stuff because people are too chicken to say, "Don't you ever talk about my children and you know why." Why are we afraid that people like him are going to leave the church? If people leave because of people like him, it's because "they weren't firmly rooted in the Gospel." If he leaves? It's because we weren't welcoming enough. There comes a point where leaders need to lay down the law and tell him he's not entitled to anything and he WILL NOT cross any boundaries when it comes to children. Either he has a screw loose or he gets satisfaction out of making people uncomfortable.
  12. Prayers for her and you. This is so hard.
  13. That's so horrible. I'm sorry. I hope you don't feel obligated to attend his funeral either in person or virtually.
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